Oh this is just too deep: "In his brilliant book Accidental Empires: How the boys of Silicon Valley made their millions, battled foreign competition and couldn't get a date, Robert X. Cringeley said, only a bit facetiously, that there are basically two kinds of programmers: nerds and hippies. Nerds can tell you a hundred ways to make love to a woman, but they don't know any women. Hippies know women."
There are some other great quotes on that page.
3:26:14 PM
Empty pockets make software pirates. Did you pay for that software on your PC? Smaller budgets may be pushing companies to make illegal copies of software, a trade group says. [CNET News.com]
Dude. CNET has got to stop reporting what BSA says as fact. The BSA has an agenda, big time. They make stuff up. That's all there is to it.
3:07:41 PM

Saltire: "Today's way of doing business is not sustainable." [Scripting News]
Heh, good stuff: "The Internet has put the music industry's devolution on fast forward. They may have killed Napster, but there's plenty of its offspring out there ready to avenge their father's murder. Hell, the whole radio industry was based on giving away the songs for free. (Just as long as you know that nothing is free.)"
2:54:24 PM