Eric Boehlert exposes the Microsoft of the radio industry [Adam Curry: Adam Curry's Weblog]
If you're wondering exactly what I mean when I say the American entertainment industry has taken the free market out of the equation, this is what I'm talking about. ClearChannel has achieved near-complete dominance in FM radio broadcasting in the US. Why should you care? Because CC resells access to the airwaves to the Record Industry as a marketing channel.
ClearChannel has turned American FM radio into a spam delivery mechanism.
10:10:10 AM
Complaining Too Much Computers used to fun, now it's all digital rights management, patents and protecting the interests of big companies. [Bright Eyed Mister Zen]
Amen. This zero-sum mentality has got to stop.
1:02:32 AM
MS to eradicate GPL, hence Linux. If you can't beat 'em, criminalize 'em [The Register]
A great article. More on how Microsoft wants to screw you in order to cuddle up to Big Entertainment. One implication of their new DRM OS is it obliterates the concept of root. You, the person who paid for the computer and/or installed the OS no longer have absolute control of the machine -- for the first time since the advent of the IBM PC.
There will exist a set of operations you can't perform without obtaining permission from the "DRM hardware extensions" -- chips sitting on your soundcard, videocard, or motherboard. There will exist an entire category of content that you can't control at all (think copy-protected audio, video, documents and images). Microsoft is going to lobotomize your computer.
12:56:24 AM