
Updated: 6/3/2002; 11:46:42 AM

Off Topic: Shawn Dodd's Weblog
What Shawn thinks about Technology and Public Policy

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permalink for this date  Friday, May 31, 2002

After reading Cory's comment on Boing Boing, I decided to mirror tinsel.swf on scripting.com, to help spread out the bandwidth cost. Millions of people should see the cartoon and sing the song. I've already listened to it at least 35 times. It's okay to brainwash yourself, btw.   [Scripting News]

Here's a mirror for the nifty EFF Flash movie I mentioned earlier.  The EFF site buckled pretty quickly.

3:54:00 PM  permalink for this item  source of this news item

Test, Please Ignore.  I'm testing the new Radio Theme.  Not sure I like it yet.  I seem to have problems with spacing and line breaks.

Particularly lead space above paragraphs.  This is going to take some CSS twiddling.

Now there's something wrong with the titles.  Test test test.

2:38:05 PM  permalink for this item 

AOL Test May Renew Browser War. Will the next version of AOL include a browser that's not Internet Explorer? The real question may be: If it does, then why? By Paul Boutin. [Wired News]

Not a particularly interesting article, but there's a good quote from Web Standards Project leader Jeffrey Zeldman: "There are subtle differences in the way they handle standards, but they're 99 percent compatible."

That's good to hear.  Platform bigots claim IE isn't standards-compliant while Mozilla is (I had thought Mozilla was actually falling behind in the past few years).  Apparently objective, informed observers recognize that there's no significant difference between the major browsers when it comes to standards compliance.

1:26:13 PM  permalink for this item  source of this news item

Europe bans spam. Bless [The Register]

Lucky bastards.  Opt-in spam legislation.  There was a public outcry about the proposed opt-out law, and their government actually listened and did the right thing.  Why can't we get ours to do that?

3:00:21 AM  permalink for this item  source of this news item

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