Do you use Visual Studio .NET? Do you use CVS? You need Jalindi's Igloo.
Igloo is an implementation of Microsoft's Common Source Code Control API (SCC) that talks to a CVS server. It uses the semantics of Visual Source Safe, so it's a drop-in replacement for VSS or any other SCC-compliant SCM (Starbase StarTeam, Rational ClearCase, etc.). All I had to do was restart VS.NET.
I had no problem adding a project/solution to an existing CVS server running on a Linux box (via pserver). Igloo uses the DLLs that ship with CVS for NT, so you'll be able to keep up with any feature enhancements or bugfixes they produce.
The only downside is the license, and that's Microsoft's fault. The Microsoft SCC API is proprietary and covered by a closed source license and NDA. So the portions of the Igloo source which deal directly with SCC are not available from Jalindi. The rest of the source is available, however.
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