
Updated: 6/3/2002; 11:46:06 AM

Off Topic: Shawn Dodd's Weblog
What Shawn thinks about Technology and Public Policy

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permalink for this date  Wednesday, May 22, 2002

Felt tip pens and permanent markers are not illegal.  Joking aside, just because you can use them to defeat Sony's crappy attempts at copy-protection for compact discs doesn't mean they're outlawed by the DMCA.  Permanent markers have significant non-infringing use, so they're okay.

But depending on your interpretation of the bill's language, Reuters may have violated the DMCA just by covering the story.  So overreaching is the bill that any attempt to "market" information about a circumvention technique is deemed illegal.  Security researchers have long complained about the stifling effect this has on their work.  I'd love to see Sony or Disney or the RIAA go after an independent news agency.  Bring it on.

What a ridiculous law.

11:46:23 PM  permalink for this item 

Net radio wins reprieve. Marybeth thwarts the pigopolists [The Register]

Rejecting the CARP proposal is fine, but we don't yet know what the alternative is.

11:31:23 PM  permalink for this item  source of this news item

Steve MacLaughlin: "It's easy to draw a big bulls-eye on the record companies, and to rant and rave about how they're screwing the artists."  [Scripting News]

The other side.  He says, "Let the market decide the fate of the record companies."  I think that's naive.  The record companies have been working hard to make sure "the market" has no influence here.

11:28:42 PM  permalink for this item  source of this news item

NY Times: Netflix IPO Raises $82.5 million [Scripting News]

$15 time $5.5 million.  From the article: "Netflix is not profitable, but it is making progress. For all of 2001, it recorded a net loss of $38.6 million on revenue of $75.9 million, according to the prospectus for the initial public offering. For the three months ended March 31, Netflix lost $4.5 million on revenue of $30.5 million."

The IPO was lead by Merrill Lynch.  No word yet on whether they strongly recommend you buy the stock.

11:19:04 PM  permalink for this item  source of this news item

Kazaa, Morpheus legal case collapsing. The companies behind such popular file-swapping software are feeling the financial strain of fighting entertainment giants in court, and it appears they may be going the way of Napster. [CNET News.com]

Apparently the "sue 'em 'till they die" approach works great.  And the RIAA has the cajones to claim compulsory licensing is bad because the free market should work it out.  I guess that's the free market where you buy justice.

11:13:12 PM  permalink for this item  source of this news item

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