
Updated: 6/3/2002; 11:46:08 AM

Off Topic: Shawn Dodd's Weblog
What Shawn thinks about Technology and Public Policy

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permalink for this date  Monday, May 27, 2002

Presentation matters. For many text editing tools, only presentation matters: making it difficult for applications to understand the structure of documents. David Slocombe explained at XML Europe 2002 how, on the contrary, presentation can be read by the Exegenix converter as a universal convention for extracting structure from documents. [xmlhack]

This is pretty slick software.  It takes a formatted document in PDF or Postscript and infers the structure based on how the document looks.  Nice.  It turns out it can guess structures like headings reliably no matter what tool was used to create the document.

2:17:37 PM  permalink for this item  source of this news item

Apple 'iBrowser' insurgency denied by AOL techs. Skunkworks gambit [The Register]

Oh, this is a tasty bit of gossip.  An OS X native browser based on the Mozilla codebase, but stripped down.  If it pans out like it should, it might be a better browser than MS IE for Mac (particularly on OS X).

The article contains this fabulous quote from AOL's Mike Pinkerton: "Let's face it. The Mac is just plain slow. Anyone who has compared Gecko across platforms knows this."

Now where's that announcement of .NET Framework for Macintosh?

11:28:06 AM  permalink for this item  source of this news item

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