Tuesday, January 14, 2003
Selling water
Salad in Sealed Bags Isn't So Simple, It Seems. There is a reason bagged lettuce costs more than twice as much as a head of iceberg. By Amanda Hesser. [New York Times: Business]
Back in a previous life I worked for one of the leading manufacturers of the equipment that lets these lettuce growers package salad-in-a-bag. I was constantly amazed at the money being made by selling a product that's 99% water and has no nutritional value. But hey, it kept me employed for nearly nine years. All the growers mentioned in the article were our customers, and we grew at a phenomenal rate--with all the troubles rapid growth usually entails.
9:29:29 PM
"I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book."
Groucho Marx. [Quotes of the Day]
9:10:23 PM
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