Wednesday, January 29, 2003
Now we're talking real money!
Or so Senator Everett Dirksen would have said. $100 billion loss in one year, most of it from writing down the non-value of AOL. Yee ha!
AOL Reporting Further Losses; Turner Resigns. AOL Time Warner reported an unexpectedly large fourth-quarter loss, and Ted Turner said he would step down as the company's vice chairman. By David D. Kirkpatrick and Jim Rutenberg. [New York Times: Business]
AOL loses Ted Turner and $99 billion. Troubled media company AOL Time Warner reports a net loss of nearly $100 billion for 2002 and says Vice Chairman Ted Turner is resigning. By Jim Hu, Staff Writer, CNET News.com. [CNET News.com]
9:37:33 PM
Ooh, ooh! I know the answer!!
Clueless Telemarketers Sue to Stop 'Do Not Call' List. They're calling the proposed Federal do-not-call list a violation of free speech. What about my freedom to not hear from you jerks?
"The FTC is singling out this form of advertising now, what will be next?" said DMA President Robert Weintzen in a prepared statement.
What will be next? Oh, how about SPAM, dipstick?!?
9:32:55 PM
When the classifieds just don't work
OK, just about everyone's linked to or emailed about the eBay posting for an entire Web development team. 'Cept it's been taken down, as you'll see if you clicked that last link. Fortunately, J.D. Lasica managed to grab most of the text. I did see it mere minutes before it disappeared: although the starting bid was $1, the suggested value was "high six figures." Bidding had three days to go, but was only up to $21.
So why was the posting taken down? Was it eBay? Or was it requested by ZDNet, for whom these enterprising folks apparently no longer work?
9:27:29 PM
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