Monday, January 27, 2003
The lure of hybrids
The Hybrid Car Moves Beyond Curiosity Stage. Vehicles that combine electric motors with regular engines appear to be catching on with both automakers and consumers. By Danny Hakim. [New York Times: Business]
There are already two hybrid cars in my family: both my sister and father drive the Toyata Prius, which looks to be the most successful hybrid vehicle so far.
8:54:37 PM
Stopped laughing; now it's scary
Microsoft fails Slammer's security test. Internal memos show that the software giant hadn't patched its own network against the Slammer worm, causing many of its services to fail. [CNET News.com]
Worm Hits Microsoft, Which Ignored Own Advice. Among the companies that found its computer system under attack by a rogue program was Microsoft, which has been preaching the gospel of secure computing. By John Schwartz. [New York Times: Business]
Despite a year of declared focus on security, Micro$oft proved it can't even patch its own servers--so how can they expect us to keep up with them?
5:38:10 PM
What could it mean?
"Dept. of Homeland Security site switches to Linux from Windows 2000," per NewsForge. Couldn't be in response to the SQL Slammer worm (it takes longer than that to bring up new servers), but could it be security issues? Will we ever know?
1:29:04 PM
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