Tuesday, May 13, 2003
Help ACLU secure your right to read. The ACLU's action center is running a campaign that lets you write to your congresscritter to ask her/him to endorse the "Freedom to Read Protection Act," which will restrict the ability to law-enforcement agencies to secretly and warrantlessly gather information on your habits at bookstores and libraries. Go ahead and ping your lawmaker -- let's get this bill passed and then take on the rest of the evil PATRIOT act. Link Discuss (Thanks, Pete!) [Boing Boing Blog]
The Santa Cruz Public Library got a picture in Time magazine of their sign warning patrons about the Patriot Act. Here's your chance to speak up. I sent a fax to Rep. Anna Eshoo. Have you pinged yours?
7:21:52 PM
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Last update: 5/21/05; 10:17:50 PM.
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