Sunday, September 28, 2003
From Brightly Colored Food
Email apologies. If you've emailed me and either gotten bounced or no reply, I'm sorry. My web host is Interland and they're terrible. For the second time in three weeks I've lost email access, so now I'm switching hosts. I've heard pair.com... [Brightly Colored Food]
Interland is also the host for Silicon Valley STC, and I'm not all that thrilled with their service either. Our email was down for several days recently due to a billing/collection error on their end. Bad deal, I say.
9:36:43 PM
"For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled."
Richard Feynman. [Quotes of the Day]
The quotation comes, of course, from Feynman's appendix to the report on the Challenger explosion.
9:30:16 PM
And yes, the blogging's been light the past week. Work deadlines, two STC dinner meetings, and other distractions have kept me away. But I promise to pay more attention, really, I will.
9:15:55 PM
I downloaded and started playing with the iBlog software for Mac yesterday, just cuz it's free don't ya know? It's on the PowerBook, and I may just use it when on the road, rather than using the mail-to-blog feature of Radio. My impression so far? I won't use iBlog to replace my Mac newsreader, NetNewsWire Lite. And I don't see a permalink feature, which is at least two points against iBlog right there. Nor do I see a handy hyperlink maker like Radio has. But then I just got started with it.
9:13:33 PM
Althea Gibson, 76; Elia Kazan, 94.
Birthdays today: Moon Unit Zappa, Brigitte Bardot, Mira Sorvino, Janeane Garofalo.
Also, Pompey, who said famously "Living is not necessary; navigation is."
8:58:25 PM
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Last update: 5/21/05; 10:19:23 PM.
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