Thursday, December 9, 2004
Great turnout, excellent presentation from Dirk Knemeyer and the panel,
and lively discussion from the entire group last night at the BayDUX
gathering at Yahoo! Here's linkage to Dirk's slides:
The Future of Digital Product Design  .
Dirks presentation from BayDUX on December 8, 2004 - "The term 'user'
is outdated and dehumanizing, but it is understood and accepted by most
organizations in our industry. (...) Every member of a UX Design team
should be involved in different types and levels of research. It should
be hard-coded into every function. Research is the most important part
of good design." (Dirk Knemeyer - Involution Studios LLC) [ InfoDesign: Understanding by Design]
Description and panelist bios here.
Much of the chat revolved around offshoring, its perils and promises,
and whether or not innovative design will come from offshore firms. And
we heard, for the umpteenth time, that the way to offshore-proof
ourselves is to expand our skill-sets, make ourselves more valuable,
move up the ladder toward leadership and visionary responsibilities.
Same thing we've been talking about in the tech comm community, but
here it's UX folks saying the same thing.
8:07:10 AM
Fellow tech-writer and blogger Gordon Meyer got some nice strokes in the Mercury-News the other day about his new O'Reilly book, Smart Home Hacks. Here's a chance to pick up your copy and meet the author:
Book signing at DigitalGuru.
If you'd like to drop by and talk about Smart Home Hacks, come to
Digital Guru, the excellent technical bookstore in Sunnyvale,
California, on Wednesday, December 15th. I'll be there from 12:30PM to
1:30PM, and you'll be able to purchase... [ Nothing Up My Sleeve]
7:55:41 AM
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