Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Luke W. has more thoughts on last week's BayDUX discussions (he's in
the same time-warp I'm in; the event was on Wednesday, December 8):
More on the Future of Digital Product Design.
Last Tuesday I was part of a panel discussion on The Future of Digital
Product Design at Yahoo in Sunnyvale, CA. A few follow-ups thoughts on
the topics we discussed and the ideas Dirk Knemeyer presented
Future Design Skills
As we increasingly move toward a convergence of digital information and
products (essentially interfaces to that information), designers will
be required to build up strong rationalization skills. The ability to
not only see the connections between products and information, but to
also reduce those connections to the bare essentials will ultimately be
responsible for avoiding overly complex interfaces. Convergence in
science argues that all knowledge is unified around a small number of
natural, interlocking... Article Continues [ Functioning Form: Interface Design]
3:06:19 PM
In response to my post about changing jobs, Jenny says:
Exactly right. Networking is not just handing out business cards and
asking "What can you do for me?" It's starting conversations,
expressing interest in what others are doing, and demonstrating what
you can do. Even if it's something simple like making the coffee before
a meeting or writing an occasional newsletter article. People see you
showing up and participating; they remember you for getting involved.
It doesn't have to be time-consuming, high-profile, big-risk. Just
offer up what you have without expecting anything back. Just like
karma. Karma isn't about earning merit; it's about planting seeds.
Plant good seeds now, without expectations, reap good results later.
Or, as my friends in AA used to say: "Show up, pay attention, tell the truth, let go."
3:00:27 PM
Song of the day:
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;
None but ourselves can free our minds.
Bob Marley, "Redemption Song"
12:55:26 PM
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