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Electronic Freedom Foundation



  Monday, November 29, 2004

I feel so old. . .

Email Is So Last Millennium. Textually is pointing out that a new study in South Korea shows that kids there are staying away from email, saying that it's mainly for old people. They only use email when they want to communicate with their "elders." When communicating with friends, they'd much rather use SMS, instant messaging or the web. . . [Techdirt]

But note one more difference between SMS/IM and email: unless you explicitly choose to save your IM sessions, there's no record. With email, you can look back at prior conversations and refer to events or agreements. The transient nature of SMS and IM preclude that option: it becomes "he said/she said." Which just might be the point for young people.
3:12:19 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Jenny enjoys a good spleen-venting now and then, and this one's about Macs:

gapingvoid: why i prefer windows to macintosh

Apparently, Hugh MacLeod likes Windows because it isn't Macintosh. Just fine with me because his list made me smile on a day when I generally prefer not to. [the creative tech writer]

Apparently, Mr. MacLeod takes issue with the Cult of Mac more than any functional issues. OTOH, after more than a year using a Mac, I can say that the more I use the Mac the more I like it, and the more I use Windows the more I hate it. At this point they only thing keeping me on Windows (aside from a distaste for spending money on computer hardware when I don't have to) is FrameMaker. Which Adobe is probably going to end-of-life on Windows soon anyway, folding its functionality into another product, which may then be available for Mac. End of problem.

One of my observations about Mac vs. Windows: my wife uses a computer, for email, word-processing, and shopping online. when she had a Windows box I had to fix something every other day. Now that she's on an eMac I don't have to fix things nearly as often. Which makes me happier than any spleen-venting.

2:06:54 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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