Monday, November 8, 2004
Don Norman writes about using personas in product design:
While Don doesn't explicitly describe using personas for task analysis,
I think that's the background usage; in fact, he describes use cases
involving each persona described. More interesting to me is this
Design is in many ways an act of communication (one of these days,
Real-Soon-Now, I will finish and post my essay on this topic), but in
order to communicate effectively, the designer must have a clear
cohesive, understandable image of the product being designed and the
user of the product must be able to understand that communication.
Well, I can't wait for that essay from Don, because he's said what I
have been saying, given the opportunity: when it comes to the various
roles and titles involved in product design and development, we're all
just trying to communicate. Whether you're an interface designer, a
graphic designer, a Web developer, an information architect, or a
technical writer, the job is to communicate with the user (customer,
client, team). We use different tools and methods, but communication is
the goal.
1:39:55 PM
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