Thursday, November 4, 2004
Hotel Chatter has posted their lists of best and worst
WiFi hotels for 2004. Based on my limited experience, I can confirm
that Marriott indeed belongs on the "worst" list, and Best Western
belongs on the "best" list. Thanks to Gizmodo and WiFi Network News for the pointers.
6:51:50 PM
Both iPodder and iPodderX have released significant updates. Both now include built-in tools for adding podcast feeds directly from the ipodder.org directory. And iPodderX is contributing "Top Picks" and "Most Popular" categories to the directory.
After a not-very-positive review of iPodderX a few weeks ago, I've
found more to like about this podcast client. August and Ray have done
good work cleaning up the UI, adding the directory tool, addressing
issues. I'm willing to admit the possibility that my earlier
dissatisfaction was more likely due to user error and impatience than
to anything wrong with iPodderX. I recommend it, even now that the
developers are asking real money for it. (Full disclosure: as an early
contributor, I received a comp upgrade, thank you.)
6:43:43 PM
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