Monday, November 22, 2004
Nice profile in the Anchorage Daily News
about Jim and Esther at Whole Wheat Radio. It's nice to know even more
about those two, and I have even more respect for what Jimbob's
accomplished. Me, I just can't imagine spending the winter in Alaska.
9:24:47 PM
Coming up in a mere two weeks:
6:08:10 PM
Really. I'm not worried that computers will one day write better than best-selling novelists:
Steven Pinker is quoted:
While it is conceivable that computers will eventually write novels,
Dr. Pinker says, "I doubt they'd be very good novels by human
As it happens, I've read a few novels from the NYT best-seller list
over the last few years, and I've been universally disappointed. In
fact, they haven't been very good novels by my standards. Can a
computer do better? I don't know, but it really doesn't bother me to
imagine that they might.
And as for those 100 or 1,000 or 10,000 monkeys typing away, I seem to
recall a recent study that gave computers to monkeys. The primates that
didn't just smash the things to bits eventually focused on tapping the
"s" key, repeatedly.
1:22:15 PM
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