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Electronic Freedom Foundation



  Saturday, November 27, 2004

Took the kids to see The Polar Express today. Based on the trailers I'd been seeing all year, I had low expectations, but I'm happy to say that my expectations were greatly exceeded. The story and its presentation are effective, and much of the animation is stunning, far exceeding what I'd been expecting. Parts were a bit scary for the younger ones (two four-year-olds), but they survived and said they enjoyed it.

2:41:24 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Usability and interaction design make another appearance on Slashdot, this time in response to open-source developer Benjamin Roe's noble attempt at summarizing some UI design principles for open-source use. At least it's a step up from some previous discussions, in which it was claimed that there is no hope for usability to make its way into open-source software because there was no way for developers to discover the arcane and esoteric rules and guidelines of usable UI design. To which I answered at the time "hogwash," or something similar.  The principles are not secret; there are plenty of books out there that can provide guidance; and usability testing can be as simple as getting someone else to try using your application and see what happens. User and task anaylisis doesn't have to be an expensive proposition. I wonder if any of these OSS developers who complain about the futility of applying usability principles to their applications have ever bothered to ask for help. Sometimes that's all it takes.

2:36:55 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

I'm a big fan of Christopher Moore's books, so I was gratified to see that Laura enjoyed his latest, just-in-time-for-Christmas tome, The Stupidest Angel:

I started reading last night, and have laughed several times already. Moore is a genius at comic bizarreness, right up there with Robbins and Pynchon.

10:16:25 AM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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Last update: 5/21/05; 10:24:52 PM.

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