Silliness begets silliness:
Congress lowers the national bedtime. Following on the heels of its successful one-month extension of Daylight Savings Time, the US Congress today lowered the national bedtime by one hour on weekdays and one and a half hours on weekends. U.S. Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), who co-sponsored the bill, said that this would save 100,000 barrels of oil a day as people snapped off the lights sooner. . .[Joho the Blog]
The last time Congress mucked with daylight savings time was at the behest of the barbeque lobby, who wanted Americans to start burning meat a few weeks earlier so they could sell more charcoal and lighter fluid. This time I seriously don't get the rationale here. If they want us to save energy they could have put something meaningful into that pork-barrel energy bill they just passed. Instead, they're going to make rural school kids wait for the bus in the dark each morning for a month. Stop it, you idiots, stop it! Don't you understand that there are only so many hours of light in each day, and they're getting fewer and fewer between now and December 21st? Finagling with our clocks doesn't change physical cosmology. If you want to make use of every minute of daylight, get up and go to work in the morning like the rest of us!
As Will Rogers said: "Every time Congress makes a joke it's a law, and every time they make a law it's a joke."
7:59:02 PM