Sunday, June 4, 2006
Nice summer reading list from Dan Saffer at Adaptive Path. Best part is, they're all PDFs, which means download and print (or not) and read, no waiting. Those that I didn't print out due to length I'll bring along on the laptop on the Florida vacation next month, and read sitting under an umbrella while the kids trek around DisneyWorld. Isn't that what vacations are for, catching up on reading? Isn't that where innovation comes from? :-)
6:56:27 PM
Sorry, I couldn't pass up the silly juxtaposition after reading Keith's post about Jared's "Innovation is the new black." I'm just happy to see that "innovation" survived the beating (see, black and blue? hah!) it took at the hands of Microsoft's self-defense during the monopoly trial: we heard and read "freedom to innovate" so many times that I was sure "innovation" had become devoid of all meaning. Apparently not.
Keith's right, it's all over the place at IBM. We see and hear it every day. It's becoming part of the culture. New blue, indeed.
6:37:23 PM
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