Fred Sampson's Radio Weblog
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"give me a better idiot"


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  Sunday, June 11, 2006

William Drenttel, one of the design observers, quotes Ralph Caplan (someone else I don't know of, but probably should), while observing the bizarre recent weather:

Weather Report: 53 Degrees F. Heavy Snowfall Predicted. . . "Science is a way of making sense of the world. Design is a way of making the world make sense." [Design Observer: writings about design & culture]

It's going to rain here tomorrow. It rained, hard, last month. But it just doesn't do that here. . . I don't care what the weather records say, this is not just abnormal (but not unknown), it is bizarre. And I don't see design making sense of it. Not when an article in today's San Jose Mercury-News (sorry, can't find a link) discusses how much pollution China's growing economy is spitting out from its coal-fired power plants. China's coal smoke is contributing to smog in California. Now that's scary. I could drive a Prius and still not make a difference, because the rest of the world wants what we already have! How do we design around that?

Update: Seems that the China/coal/pollution story was from the New York Times, which might be why the Merc didn't provide a link.

4:39:19 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

I was gratified to learn that my own efforts to learn about interaction design nicely align with Frank Ramirez's recommendations:

Getting Started With Interaction Design. A friend of mine recently asked me where he could go to start learning about HCI/Interaction Design. . . [Ramirez Design]

From Frank's list, I've read two of the books, own the other two (with best of intentions. . .), subscribe to both Website/blogs, and the IxDA list (and many, many others).

Thanks, Frank!

11:38:06 AM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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