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"THE FOCUS OF DIGITAL MEDIA" - Gary Santoro and Mediaburn.net

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Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Technical Improvements
Technorati Beta. Technorati's new crawler is up. It's still in beta, but it's a big improvement. Quicker, more flexible, and more accurate. (Like via Off the Kuff) [Skeptical Notion]
3:26:06 PM    

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Ending the Role of Big Money in American Politics
Taking Back Democracy.

Here is the summary paper released by the campaign today on Governor Dean's proposals to revive democracy and end the role of big money in American Politics:

Ending the Role of Big Money in American Politics

Despite George W. Bush’s words last night, the state of our nation is not well. Indeed, the soul of our nation is at risk because the corrupting influence of special interest money is eating away at the core of our democracy.

Our politicians engage in a relentless arms race for campaign cash, and our democracy is for sale to the highest bidder. The people recognize the problem. They understand that their elected officials are more concerned with fundraising for re-election than with meeting the needs of ordinary people. 74% of respondents to a recent survey felt that politicians sometimes vote the way their big contributors want them to — regardless of whether that’s best for the country or their constituents. And they’re right.

Big money corrupts politics – and the losers are ordinary Americans. Why don’t we have health care for every American? Why does prescription drug legislation do nothing to reduce costs and introduce competition? Why don’t we have an energy program in this country to reduce our dependence on imported oil? Why are more and more of our TV, radio stations and newspapers owned by just a handful of giant companies? In every case, the answer is: Big money.

Only real campaign finance reform can break the stranglehold that special interests have on the levers of public policy through campaign cash. Ours has become a government of the special interests, by the special interests and for the special interests.

And those with the money to play in this system don’t represent average Americans. Wealthy special interests are the high rollers in this pay-to-play system. 96% of the most active political donors have incomes over $100,000 - 82% male, 92% white. If money is a form of speech, as the Supreme Court has regrettably found, rich donors will always be the loudest speakers.

We know the nature of American politics can be changed – dramatically – because we are doing it with this campaign. Hundreds of thousands of donors contributing an average of $77.

And we’re not just raising money differently, we’re mobilizing people for transformation in a way we have not seen for a generation. To those who say that it’s too difficult to raise money in small amounts to run a successful race – we have one answer: we’re doing it.

Last year, public disgust at the influence of money in politics finally led to enactment of the McCain/Feingold Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act after years of struggle, a bill that banned soft money and raised individual contribution limits. But McCain-Feingold Reform Act is not enough. We need to limit political contributions to break the back of the special interests.

Keep reading this post for Dean's proposals.

[Blog for America]
12:41:41 PM    

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Julie Blogs at Dean Independents

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at best, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.

Theodore Roosevelt Citizen in a Republic April 23, 1910


WHY I STAND WITH DEAN. Last spring, I made a decision to support Dean as long as he was in the race, because he is the candidate I've been wanting to support all my life. Electability had nothing to do with it. At the time,... [Dean Independents]
12:33:06 PM    

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via 'eclecticism'
If not Dean, then who?. There's a lot of good food for thought in the comment thread for this Daily Kos post-Iowa look at the Dem contenders. Some good discussion on whether Dean has suffered as bad of a blow as it may seem, and if so, than who might be the best person to pick up the nomination. [eclecticism]
8:21:54 AM    

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Dr. Howard Dean 2004 - 'Media Regulation Candidate'
It's clear that Governor Howard Dean is not a fan of the big media. Neither am I.

During the last two weeks, the Dean campaign has challenged the big media interests. The big media attacked. Dean came in third in the Iowa Caucus. The campaign now brings its message of responsible government to New Hampshire. I can live with this.

Howard Dean came from nowhere in the polls because Washington D.C. is not functioning properly. His campaign is not based on tricks, but citizen support. Senators Kerry and Edwards voted to invade Iraq. Many citizens are not happy with this. I say "Go Dean." We the People of the United States have a candidate. - G.S.
8:17:44 AM    

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winkreative website
A picture named bottle.gifBranding. Properly done. Selfridges, Swiss Intl Air Lines, Stella McCartney - at WINKREATIVE (Flash alert). I think I'll go and apply for a job at their London office. Thanks to Axel for the link. [The Cartoonist]
7:21:15 AM    

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The Digital Tavern - Live From France
Bread.. Bread. [for the sake of clarity - The Digital Tavern]
7:17:39 AM    

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