Podcasting Becky Stark Becky Stark. Becky Stark used to be a member of one of First Coat (previously mentioned here). After leaving First Coat, she left the bright lights of Chicago and hit the wilderness out West. Back home during the holidays, she recorded these songs in a friends apartment. Listening to Becky, you can tell she has a knack for story telling in her songs, which contain poignant lyrics. The songs have a 60s Americana feel to them, which is what makes First Coat a desirable listen to as well (hint). These are songs Id rather hear while sitting around a campfire than a coffeehouse. I currently do not have a website for Becky, but if you like what you hear, bookmark Mr. Hyde Records for any possible future news. Excerpt taken from http://www.mysteryandmisery.com/article/322/
Four more songs at the above link. [Mediaburn Podstation 2408 on GigaDial Public]
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