Thursday, May 06, 2004

I believe this is why Bush will win in November. Not that moment specifically, but the depth of emotion it shows in the man, the compassion and concern he has for each and every American. (Via Doxagora)
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News of the Weird: For those of you in Dallas, you're probably familiar with North Park Mall. You're probably also familiar with the fact that North Park Mall has a fountain in it where ducks with clipped wings and turtles co-exist much to the delight of small children in age and spirit. But you may not be familiar with the glass pen recently installed in North Park Mall that has actual grass growing in it to support the little goat and the two or three black-eyed fat rabbits that exist there.

I'm really not sure what this says about anything but if nothing else, thank god for rich people and their malls. I'm at a loss for words.
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