Brett Morgan's Insanity Weblog Zilla : Days of our lives. Honestly.
Updated: 15/09/2002; 10:15:09 PM.


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Friday, 9 August 2002

Hey Charles

I just read your rant on programming radio. Funnily enough, I found it while googling for stuff while trying to figure out how to get the damn rss subscriptions script to work. I think I have to whole heartedly agree.

7:12:18 PM    


eXist 0.8 Released. eXist 0.8 Released

Wolfgang Meyer has announced the release of eXist 0.8. eXist is an LGPL native XML database written in Java. Here's what he had to say.

I just released eXist-0.8 final on sourceforge. I thought it would be wise to make a (nearly) stable release before getting stuck in new developments. Changes compared to the 0.8 beta release include:

* Added SOAP methods to store and remove documents / collections.

* Fixed namespace handling: required namespace declarations are stored for each single element, not for the document as a whole.

* Cocoon updated to 2.0.3

* Fixed bugs leading to uncontrolled memory consumption.

* Several XML-RPC related changes.

* Documentation updates (developer's guide).

[Bright Eyed Mister Zen]

6:08:03 PM    

There is always a way

Mea Culpa.
It broke. There is something nasty in my news page that is automatically redirecting my browser to udell's new rss feed. I wonder where I configure mozilla to ignore redirects. It's annoying. Very annoying. [Brett Morgan's Insanity Weblog]

Sorry about that, Brett. I included Jon Udell's sample refresh statement in a post yesterday. Radio then failed to encode it properly. I thought it might do that, but didn't bother to check. I must be becoming not unlike a developer ;-) [The Peanut Gallery]

It is amazing what html breakages can be worked around with sufficient application of the Stop button ... ;)
5:59:07 PM    

Attempting to do the blogroll thang, but ...

RSS Feed Display, alas!. [...]

Thanks to Jon Udell's script, featured in "How to Display Which RSS Feeds You're Subscribed to" a Shifted Librarian tutorial, my RSS subscriptions are exposed down the left side every page for all Brain Dump readers (god I hope just me) to see.

Thanks Jon and Jenny, keep 'em coming :)

[Bag o' Knowledge Klog]

Just had a quick play with this script, but it aint working. Python tells me, (via the joy of xmlrpclib of course):
xmlrpclib.Fault: <Fault 4: 'Can't evaluate the expression because the name "channeltitle" hasn't been defined.'>.
Any hints?
5:52:35 PM    


[Ken Rawlings]

A hearty collection o'links. I especially like the "One day compilers" entry. Domain specific programming languages are a way of the future I think.
4:49:49 PM    


Project Mgt in JIRA?.

Project Management with JIRA by Brett.

As I am being forced to do project management for my project manager (due mainly to a lack of technical understanding on his part), I must say - MS Project is seriously painful. I can also see where bug/enhancement tracking software needs to be extended to allow serious project management to happen. The only question in my mind is which bug tracker to hack this into. Mike, want me to have a go at JIRA? *grin*

Why of course! If you want to add features, let me know and I'll hook you up with the tools and the source to do so - provided you contribute them back of course. See JRA-412 for some thoughts on a calendar for JIRA.


I wonder how much my better half is going to hate me hacking at home on the weekends? Probably not any more than usual ... *grin*
4:46:42 PM    

Defenstrating in Public


Tabbed dialogs are luring me toward MFC with their sweet siren song of easy layout. "Ohhh," they say, "you don't have to write as much code to make us as with normal Windows API calls--just subclass CFooBuckyBackslash" or whatever "and we're aaaall taken care of." Well, I'm not falling for it, ya hear? No MFC for me, BWAHAHAA!!



Given that defenestration is the act of throwing someone or something out of a window, one has to wonder if Mark is throwing MFC out the MSWindow, or whether he is throwing MSWindows out of a real Window.

Me? I'd suggest just throwing MFC, and spending time with wxPython instead... ;)
4:41:11 PM    

Schmelly Telly

FCC Requires Digital Tuners.

Yahoo News

Now all TVs will have to have digital tuners.  Everyone will pay the expense to support the few people who get TV over the airwaves.  If the media industries have their way and get broadcast flags on digital content, all of these tuners will be worthless anyway, so the money wasted by this action could be huge.

[Steve's Radio Weblog]

It will be interesting to see if the Australian Government follows the Yanks lead on this one. Either way, the chances that I am going to fork over the cash for a new telly is reasonably low. I spend more time in the cinema than I do in front of the telly these days.
4:34:38 PM    

© Copyright 2002 Brett Morgan.

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August 2002
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blogchalk: Brett/Male/26-30. Lives in Australia/Sydney/Carlingford and speaks English. Spends 60% of daytime online. Uses a Faster (1M+) connection.
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