Brett Morgan's Insanity Weblog Zilla : Days of our lives. Honestly.
Updated: 15/09/2002; 10:20:02 PM.


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Tuesday, 27 August 2002


Greatest Java reference site. The site that accompanies The Java Developers Almanac is the greatest Java sample code site around. As such, it's probably the greatest reference site. I suggest buying the book. This looks like what the Java Cookbook should have been.[paradox1x] [Blogging Roller]

Hmmm, must check this out. I didn't respect the Java Cookbook all that much.
8:16:43 PM    

Poor James

Just back from a lovely long weekend at Mont St. Michel in northern France. Had a great time, its an amazingly beautiful place but I've come down with a fever, so am gargling asprin and hiding under the duvet today :-(. [James Strachan's Radio Weblog]

Get better mate.
8:13:38 PM    

Eclipse is bubbling

Another tip for eclipse users, this time from Toby from the dom4j mail lists. If you also use XDoclet then you could try this plugin that integrates XDoclet into eclipse. [James Strachan's Radio Weblog]

I needed some more plugins ...
8:00:12 PM    

In the beginning, there was a command line


Reentry... I decided to let go completely. I left the laptop home -- it wouldn't have been much use anyway from our Maine getaway location -- and brought a pile of books instead... The best of the lot was Steven Johnson's Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software. [Jon's Radio]

I loved that book. We can see a very simple, yet valuable, application of these ideas in Paul Graham's work with spam.

Another example is Extreme Programming. This approach defines a set of basic rules, responsibilities, and measurements. The idea is that designs should emerge that would be better than those that could be designed up front.

[Patrick Logan's Radio Weblog]

I've read a couple of books in this area. I'm hooked. This, by the way, is why I prefer command line apps to gui apps for my personal use. You get huge chunks of emergent functionality for free. Pity you loose the easy usability of recognition based interaction instead of memory based interaction generation in the transition. I really wish it were easy to create computer interfaces that were more like interactive conversations, instead of command monolouges. Hmmm.
7:59:13 PM    


Cactus 1.4 final released (Jakarta Project) [IBM Developer Works - Java News]

Hey Mike, are you maintaining the http testing framework list? :)
7:45:14 PM    

I want a patent too

E-Mail Forwarding Patented, PTO Sued [Slashdot]

I wonder if I can patent a method for destroying economic viability by reducing all activities to lawyer aggravated shit fights. ;)
7:43:49 PM    

Jython embedding

Effecient Jython Embedding. - jython-users - [Jython-users] Advanced Jython embedding is a message that describes embedding jython efficiently. The docs aren't all that great, so I'm just bookmarking this for myself as I hack drools+jython.... [bob mcwhirter]

7:40:05 PM    


Politech: Scientology says it's threatened by "unadulterated cyber-terrorism". [Hack the Planet]

It is amazing how most power hungry organisations don't like contrary information. However, being able to deal with conflicting information is central to being able to deal with reality. Think of it as a growing up exercise.
7:39:26 PM    

An idea for revolutionising the Silicon marketplace

Intel's Hyperthreading won't make much of a difference.. The Register: Intel's Hyperthreading won't make much of a difference. [Hack the Planet]

I really wish that at some point Intel stops trying to dominate the world just by having the most fabs. Their fabs are top notch, but I feel their cpu designs suffer from arrogance. If they split Intel into a handful of fab divisions, and allowed AMD and TI onto their production lines, we could see innovation blossom in the market once again. Fabs can be used as massive barriers to entry into the chip production market.
7:36:27 PM    

Glass walking

Gecko feet unlock the secret of superglue. Craig sez: "Scientists have discovered how geckos (the lizard, not the layout engine behind Mozilla) can climb glass: apparently the hairs on their feet form electrodynamic bonds with the surface. Each tiny hair has 1,000 pads on its tip, a tip that is only 200 billionths of a metre wide -- smaller than the wavelength of visible light. Could lead to real-life Spider-Men."

"We can apply the underlying [principle] and create a similar adhesive by breaking a surface into small bumps," he said, adding: "the artificial foot-hair tip model opens the door to manufacturing dry, self-cleaning adhesive that works under water and in a vacuum."



(Thanks, Craig!) [Boing Boing Blog]

I wonder if you can tie this in with MEMS? Could get very interesting...
7:22:18 PM    

Extensibility and all that

RSS and UDDI. Karsten Januszewski from Microsoft floats a trial balloon for using UDDI to locate RSS files. [Scripting News]

Wow talk about beating a dead horse. RSS is popular because it's simple and because it's simple it's easy for people to understand and put to work. UDDI isn't any of those things and because of that has no place around RSS. In fact UDDI really just needs a bullet to the head to put it to rest.

Want a useful way to discover RSS feeds? Just put a HTML page on your site, say here is my RSS feed and I like to talk about XYZ. Make sure the page is accessible to Google and a thousand times more people will be able to find your feed then if it's in any stupid UDDI repository.

Want programmatic discovery? Somebody can write a 20 line spec that provides a template for the page and use Google as a web service. Make it simple enough and people will do it just because it only takes five minutes to put together. It takes more the five minutes just to figure out what UDDI is supposed to do. [Bright Eyed Mister Zen]

Anything centralized will not scale. Simple as that. The advantages of loosly couple distributed system are the opportunities for redundancy and for greater expressiveness. As well as allowing the opportunity for the unintended consequences to be in your favour, instead of against you.
7:16:28 PM    

From the more it changes dept

Microsoft CRM. Writes Robert Cringley of InfoWorld: "Although Microsoft's forthcoming CRM solution is positioned as a down-market offering, when it ships in... [E M E R G I C . o r g]

It will be interesting to watch this baby. The integration of outlook, crm, and everything else under the MS banner could in theory become another anti-trust battle. Except this time it will be Seibel & Co.

7:06:09 PM    

Subscribing to Trailers

In a World....

Thanks to Jason Kottke for pointing this out:

Comedian is coming to a theater near you. The trailer is a riot.

[tins ::: Rick Klau's weblog]

Any one know if apple has an RSS feed of movie trailers?
7:03:21 PM    

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blogchalk: Brett/Male/26-30. Lives in Australia/Sydney/Carlingford and speaks English. Spends 60% of daytime online. Uses a Faster (1M+) connection.
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