According to Meta Group, the CIO's #1 challenge is to use enterprise architecture to promote change.
In March, the Industry Advisory Council produced several excellent white papers for the Federal Enterprise Architecture Program Management Office. Although these documents were specifically written for the Federal government, they specifically reference state and local governments as part of the target audience and any state government that is involved in promoting enterprise and cross-agency initiatives should leverage their information.
The bottom line is that the recommendations in these documents align nicely with the direction that the State of Utah is heading, although these documents are more elegant in their approach (a $50 billion budget will help do that). I recommend that product managers especially read the document on component-based architecture. This gets at the efforts to develop using a web-services model.
According to the Institute For Enterprise Architecture Developments, enterprise architectural models now form a critical base for 70% of Global 2000 companies.
The Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture
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