Wednesday, February 02, 2005 |
Representative Dave Clark's massive bill restructuring IT in the State of Utah is now publicly available. House Bill 109 creates a Department of Technology Services and provides for mechanisms to transfer employees from other agencies into the department. It also outlines the responsibilities of the new department and a structure which includes three divisions:
- the Division of Enterprise Technology,
- the Division of Integrated Technology, and
- the Division of Agency Services.
My answer is simple. If Governor Huntsman supports this bill and it becomes law, I will do all I can to make it happen as efficiently as possible.
Public CIO published the article, The Coming of blog.gov, in their February issue. They interviewed me for the article about a month ago along with a few other public sector bloggers.
3:42:53 PM
Government Technology magazine interviews Ogden (Utah) CIO, Jay Brummett, in its February issue. Brummett discusses some of the challenges they face in bringing integrated services online.
Zhongguancun is emerging as China's rival to Silicon Valley. Don't be surprise to see a growing number of innovations coming from this area.
In the latest issue of Baseline (not yet online), former Connecticut CIO, Rock Regan, writes an extremely frank article about his experience in attempting to outsource IT in that state. Very interesting...
GCN has an update on GEOSS. Mike Leavitt was pushing this massive integrated system of systems effort when he was with the EPA.
7:22:59 AM
Wikipedia, in its article on eGovernment, uses Nawar's definition of the term:
"E-Government refers to the use by the general government (including the public sector) of electronic technology (such as Internet, intranet, extranet, databases, decision support systems, surveillance systems and wireless computing) that have the ability to transform relations within the general government (bodies) and between the the general government and citizens and businesses so as to better deliver its services and improve its efficiency."
We tend to think of eGovernment primarily as the subset of eServices or that part of government, including online services, that we expose on the internet. Today, in our eGovernment Product Management Council, I want to discuss the terms m-government, k-government, and i-government and how we can more effectively build upon/extend what we have already developed through our egov initiatives.
We now have a robust set of eservices. The Huntsman administration will be quite focused on productivity initiatives. The Governor has formed the Utah Policy Partnership that will continue to examine issues where we can improve our productivity and effectiveness. A website is forthcoming. One of the key issues that the partnership, under the direction of Dr. David Patton (director of the Center for Public Policy and Administration), will be examining is information technology. With this objective, they have already created a task force similar to those created under Georgia Governor Purdue's Commission for a New Georgia initiative.
7:08:33 AM
© Copyright 2005 David Fletcher.