Book Reviews

[Day Permalink] Wednesday, September 4, 2002

[Item Permalink] Grading Jaguar -- Comment()
Another positive Jaguar (Mac OS X 10.2) experience: Grading Jaguar.

[Item Permalink] The Lessig speech lives -- Comment()
Lessig on Freedom: Use It or Lose It: "Trying to rally the troops--will anyone do more than listen?" [Linux Journal]

Another article about the Lessig speech. This time the piece focuses more on the content of the speech than on the way it was presented. Time gives perspective, perhaps.

[Item Permalink] Perl and screen captures -- Comment()
A Perl script to automate screen captures [Mac OS X Hints]

Seems a straightforward solution to automating screen captures. Have to try at some point.

[Item Permalink] Second edition of Numerical Methods in Practice -- Comment()
Today I finished editing the second edition of our book titled Numerical Methods in Practice ("Numeeriset menetelmät käytännössä", written in Finnish). The book is available on the web in PDF format at the address

There are two PDF files: the whole book, about 6.3 MB, and the introductory chapters plus appendixes, about 800 kB. There are 415 pages in the book, only 29 more than in the first edition. New topics include wavelets, the Fourier transform, and adaptive FEM. The printed version will appear this Fall.

[Item Permalink] Postmodernism generator -- Comment()
Postmodernism generator produces research papers you could try submitting to sociology journals...

[Item Permalink] PARA'02 Proceedings -- Comment()
Last summer I was refereeing, editing and organizing a conference. I notice that Springer had recently updated the data on the proceedings.

The name of the book is "Applied Parallel Computing: Advanced Scientific Computing", and it has 612 pages. Springer wrote nice description of the proceedings: "The 50 revised full papers presented together with nine keynote lectures were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the proceedings."

Actually, the timetable was strict and it was lucky we managed to do the refereeing, editing, author correspondence etc. on time. However, the resulting book was much better than I expected in the first refereeing phase.

[Item Permalink] Spam filtering -- Comment()
I started to wonder about the algorithm used in the Mail spam filter on Jaguar (Mac OS X 10.2). There is also a tool called bogofilter ( This software is based on Bayesian statistics. See article "A Plan for Spam" by Paul Graham (

So far the spam filter of Mail has generated one false positive in 15 mails, and it missed two or three spam messages.

[Item Permalink] Breaking banking -- Comment()
Lycos finance: "Software security widely used for Internet banking and e-commerce can be easily circumvented, and customer accounts at several of Sweden's largest banks remain at risk as a result, a computer expert said on 26 Aug 2002. The Swedish hacking expert, who is well known in computer security circles, but asked not to be named, demonstrated to Reuters how it was possible within minutes to break through security on Web server SSL software from Microsoft Corp. He showed how to crack the security systems for Internet banking, breaking into three of Sweden's big four banks in quick succession. He was then able to show how to conceal his tracks, making detection difficult afterward." [Source: Peter Andersson, Reuters, 26 Aug 2002; PGN-ed]

[Item Permalink] Hugos -- Comment()
Hugo Awards have been given. I wish I had time to read even some of the awarded fiction.