![]() I started this blog almost a month ago (see the first post). (I will be quite busy the next few days, so I decided to be a bit premature in posting a celebratory note.) Have I learned anything? Well, this seems still to be an interesting and rapidly developing forum for publishing, and I want to be involved. On the other hand, I do prefer still the printed medium, and will continue to devote most of my writing efforts to that direction. But this forum may be a perfect place for learning to write in English about everyday things.
![]() Linux Worm Is Spreading Rapidly (TechWeb) [LWN.net] I hope maintainers wake up soon - or this worm can really start to cause harm. Fortunately the worm seems to be rather easy to remove, and the vulnerability is straightforward to fix.
![]() My net column about Microsoft and Linux vulnerabilities (see the column in Finnish) appeared today. It is interesting to see what kind of forum the net is compared to the paper magazine. At least it is easier to send feedback.
![]() Advantage: readers. Larry Lessig blogs back Ted Shelton's latest volley [Doc Searls Weblog]
![]() Linux Worm Hits the Network: "Slapper, a worm that attacks Linux servers with a goal of infecting peer-to-peer networks, is on the loose and has infected thousands of machines. By Michelle Delio." [Wired News] [Mac Net Journal] The lesson: the security of a system depends critically on the users and maintainers. A patch for this vulnerability has been available for some time, but there must be tens (or hundreds?) of thousands of vulnerable Linux machines out there.
![]() MacMerc explains RSS from a Mac user's point of view. [Scripting News] [Mac Net Journal] This article is a nice introduction to the XML-based RSS technology. The NetNewsWire Lite package is used as an example. I also used this package, but nowadays I'm relying on the Radio news aggregator, which is slower, but is integrated in the blogging environment.
![]() Big trouble in the world of "Big Physics": "Six months ago, Jan Hendrik Schön seemed like a slam dunk nominee for a Nobel prize. Then some of his colleagues started to take a closer look at his research." [Salon.com] This is a readable account of the scientific misconduct which happened at the Bell Labs. The career pressure seduced the researcher to make false claims.
![]() I added a new channel to the blog (a "category" in Radio terminology). The new channel discusses DRM-related things: digital rights, copyrights, freedom, and the future of ideas. Many previous posts would belong to this channel, but I won't probably move them.
![]() I made a list of books which are available on the web in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. All books are written or edited by me.
![]() Seven tricks that Web users don't know: "Web developers have all sorts of browsing tricks that they have gained from years of experience, to the point where they can't even imagine not knowing them -- right-clicking to open a new browser window, for instance, or using the arrow keys to navigate a list. To Web veterans, these things are so familiar that they seem obvious. The fact that many people don't know these tricks -- and can get completely stuck as a result -- comes as a shock." [via Visakopu]