![]() I have updated to Mac OS X 10.2.1 and iTunes 3.0.1. Everything seems to work ok. I have tried both AirPort-based net connections and Ethernet, without problems.
![]() Orlando Sentinel: "After investing $273 million, NASA is canceling a cutting-edge launch-control computer system for the space shuttle that is over budget, behind schedule and too expensive to operate." [Joel on Software]
![]() The persistence of grammar: "David Wertheimer: 99% of Proper Grammar is Obsolete." [via WebWord] (50 words) [dive into mark] So, is there no need for the writer's craft? Constrast this with the article Normal or Hypertext?
![]() RSS linkpile: "Constructive opinions about RSS from Dave Winer, Sam Ruby, DJ Adams, Shelley Powers, Ziv Caspi, Sjoerd Visscher, and others." [dive into mark]
![]() Where's A Good Mac Virus When You Need It?: "I wish someone would create a widespread virus for Mac OS X. ... The Macintosh community is way too arrogant, especially when it comes to the dangers that viruses pose." (The Mac Observer via MyAppleMenu) [MyAppleMenu]
![]() Apple Releases Mac OS X 10.2.1: "Apple today released the first update to the company's new operating system, bringing it to version 10.2.1." (MacCentral via MyAppleMenu) [MyAppleMenu] While I'm writing this I'm also installing iTunes 3.0.1 and Mac OS X 10.2.1 onto my iBook.
![]() Apple Updates iTunes To 3.0.1, Jaguar Support & Performance Improved: "iTunes 3.0.1 includes a number of performance enhancements to iTunes 3.0, and provides improved support for Mac OS X version 10.2." (The Mac Observer via MyAppleMenu) [MyAppleMenu]
![]() Lift-Off, welcome RSS 2.0. "If you want wide distribution of your weblog, make sure your weblog software supports RSS 2.0." [Adam Curry: Adam Curry's Weblog] Well, this document is on the UserLand server, so at least Radio should be up and running.
![]() Microsoft Claims Lion's Share Of OS Market: "RedSherriff reports on 17 September that Microsoft claims 96.75% of the worldwide OS market, and OneStat.com reported on 10 September that Microsoft had 97.46% of the market." (eMarketer via MyAppleMenu) [MyAppleMenu] So, if Apple has 3.1% of the market and Linux 3.9% (speculative numbers), some people must have several OSes on their computers. ;-)
![]() Create URL launchers with drag and drop: "...wanted to keep a clipping of a website address. Highlighting the address and dragging it to the desktop resulted in a 4K file with ".webloc" for its extension, and the icon for a web url file. Double clicking on the file took me directly to the site."
![]() The Supercomputing Speed Barrier: "Supercomputing speeds continue to rise, with yesterday's fastest machines buried by today's speed kings, but when will supercomputers reach their limits?" The IBM supercomputer in Finland today reaches about 2 teraflops. In five years it may be possible to reach a performance of tens of teraflops even in Finland. The high end of computing goes faster and faster. In Finland the supercomputer capacity used by the researchers has doubled every 15 months during the last 10 years. Compare this to the increase in processor speed, which only doubles on average every 18 months.
![]() Written on Water: "If they will not act as cooperative allies, they become not only a hindrance but a danger on the flanks of our lines of communication, supply, and attack. This should be unacceptable." [( blogdex : recent )] The writer thinks that Bush, Jr. is too soft towards Iraq. Well, this was perhaps expected of the Wall Street Journal.
![]() Preventing Piracy With Krazy Glue: "Writers receiving review copies of two soon-to-be-released albums - Tori Amos's "Scarlet's Walk" and Pearl Jam's "Riot Act" - are finding the CD's already inside Sony Walkman players that have been glued shut. Headphones are also glued into the players, to prevent connecting the Walkman to a recording device." [( blogdex : recent )]
![]() Rights issue rocks the music world: "Record companies see it as mutiny. Musicians call it an overdue rebellion. Either way, the artists' rights movement has set the stage for combat that could revolutionize the music industry." [( blogdex : recent )]
![]() Who's Running the Digital Show?: "Imagine a home entertainment system that works like an iMac: plug it in, turn it on and it's show time. It's coming. But in exchange, digital media companies want control over what consumers do with content. By Brad King." [Wired News]