Book Reviews
![]() I made some modifications to the weblog templates. I hope everything was updated correctly. I'm not yet completely familiar with all aspects of Radio. For example, I'm using the blogroll macro, and have not yet discovered how to get the pages updated automatically when the .opml file is updated. I have to rename the .opml file and then the update takes place immediately.
![]() Found today a site with lots of information about a dangerous modern cult: A must for science fiction readers. ;-)
![]() "A website: anything you read in a browser. A weblog: a website with a calendar." (From the "Radio" documentation.) Nice definitions, if a bit loose.
![]() I read today through some documentation about Radio: What is a Weblog? and Of Weblogs and Websites. Should have read this already in the beginning of using Radio.
![]() The Greek have a problem with playing computer games:
![]() ACM Ubiquity had an interesting article titled The Somatic Engineer. The social skills of engineers are certainly lacking also in Finland. Would this be the way to train students to handle confrontations and difficult situations in the workplace?