Book Reviews

[Day Permalink] Wednesday, August 6, 2003

[Item Permalink] A great read -- Comment()
I have been reading Jim Collins' book Good to great (Random House Business Books, 2001). Although the book is a bit overpowering and self-promoting, the book certainly contains good ideas grounded in facts. The central question is: now did the carefully selected eleven US companies make the transition from an average or a mediocre company into a great company, beating rivals and even such celebrities as Coca-Cola and Intel?

[Item Permalink] Insiders at SCO selling shares -- Comment()
Quite a few insiders at SCO, which in ingaged in lawsuit over Linux, have sold shares in the company recently. It seems that getting notorious is paying off handsomely.

[Item Permalink]  -- Comment()
Florence Foster Jenkins contains material from the CD The Glory (????) of the Human Voice: "Few artists ever gave such unalloyed pleasure as Florence Foster Jenkins, yet this extraordinary soprano had the wisdom not to overdo a good thing."