![]() The Infinite Monkey Protocol Suite (IMPS): "This memo describes a protocol suite which supports an infinite number of monkeys that sit at an infinite number of typewriters in order to determine when they have either produced the entire works of William Shakespeare or a good television show. The suite includes communications and control protocols for monkeys and the organizations that interact with them."
![]() Worm blasts across the web: "A Windows virus is spreading quickly across the net raising fears that it could cause widespread disruption." [BBC News | Technology | UK Edition]
![]() 524 killed in worst single air disaster: "Past notes: On this day in 1985 a Japan Air Lines 747 crashed, killing all on board in the worst single air disaster in history. This is how the Guardian reported the events." [Guardian Unlimited]
![]() Quick note to Blogshares users: "Don't ever, ever perform a reverse stock split on your blog if there's an open sell order on it. See what happened when I did it. Due to a bug in Blogshares, somebody now seems to own 10000 shares in The Aardvark Cooks, when he should be owning no more than 100 shares." [The Aardvark Speaks] I seem to have those 10000 shares in my sell order. I put out a sell order for 100 shares at $9999, because I wanted to protect my shares in this blog from a takeover by artifact. Now I seem to have a sell order for 10000 shares at $99.99. Strange. This is surely a bug in Blogshares. I hesitate to cancel the order, because I might end up with 10000 shares. Perhaps I could the gift them back, but this could be problematics as well. Additional comment: I have tried to protect my shares in important blogs using sell orders. I hope the use of sell orders prevents me losing these shares to those players who wield artifacts. By the way, Blogshares does not count the shares in sell orders in the total shares owned. At least this has been the case for me.
![]() Here is a list of nice collection of tools available for Mac OS X: I included Safari because of the support for Rendezvous. This works with EvoCam, for example. Another interesting application is ToyViewer but unfortunately the download site was down, so I was not able to try this out.
![]() A few days ago I watched (besides reading a book) a film on H. C. Andersen, and got interested in the person behind the stories. Here is a pointer to a nice description (contains even a note on works translated into Finnish): "Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) [...] Danish writer, famous for his fairy tales, which were not meant merely for children but for adults as well. Andersen used frequently colloquial style that disguises the sophisticated moral teachings of his tales. Before achieving success as a playwright and novelist, Andersen was trained as singer and actor. Many of Andersen's fairy tales depict characters who gain happiness in life after suffering and conflicts."
![]() I have been taking pictures of butterflies with my new digital camera. Here is a picture of European Peacock (Inachis io):
One of these came to sit on my hand while I was taking a picture of another. I wished I had another camera with me! Also, I'm trying to find out which butterfly looks like this:
One of the back wings is missing, but the butterfly managed to fly nevertheless.
![]() Here are some pointers to standards about videoconferencing:
![]() France nuclear rules eased: "France takes emergency action to stave off possible power cuts during the heatwave gripping Europe." [BBC News | World | UK Edition]
![]() Behold the (Windows) worms produce the spice of strife: "We've been watching the latest RPC hole in Windows for a while (details here), wondering when the storm would hit. From the looks of it, the worm has begun to spread in force." [Ars Technica]
![]() Photos: Astrid, again: "Astrid's learning to commando-wiggle, can get on all fours and wave her bum about, and is generally getting bigger." [synapse] Watching babies grow in fascinating. For a while nothing seems to change, and then, suddenly you notice that the baby has learned something new. Sometimes they seem to forgot what they already learned, getting sidetracked to other new skills. The world takes a lot of effort to explore.
![]() Topics on which Google thinks I am an expert: "Matrix Reloaded (#14) Matrix Reloaded discussion (#1) addicting games (#2) Christopher Guest (#7) The Cognitive Style of Powerpoint (#2) Gaetan Dugas (#1) The Incredibles (#6) September 11th photos (#3) earthquake in Japan (#1) Tom Hanks filmography (#2) Calvin Klein dinnerware (#1) NYC subway (#5) Where is Raed (#4) Daniel Pearl execution (#4) Moby Eminem (#3) The clearest evidence yet that Google is busted..." [kottke.org] Here are a few areas where Google referred to me for some reason: telepathic training, tourniquet trojan, gary kasparov dan deep blue match, digital applications in the medical realm, stomach ulcer new drugs, making of new drugs, dialogue with terrorists. - What kind of expert Google thinks I am?
![]() Is Apple Going To iApp Itself Into Irrelevancy? "Fighting with other software companies and the lack of innovation could slowly bleed Apple to death." (AppleMatters via MyAppleMenu) [MyAppleMenu]
![]() Mr. Disruption Strikes Again: "Michael Robertson roiled the music business with MP3.com. Then he perturbed Microsoft with Lindows. Now he's out to overturn the phone business with his latest venture, SIPphone, which will offer free calling over broadband connections. By Xeni Jardin." [Wired News]