Book Reviews

[Day Permalink] Friday, March 5, 2004

[Item Permalink] Spam on the rise -- Comment()
At the moment I have 352 messages in my spam folder, which is about double the amount I had a few weeks ago. The increase is probably due to the numerous active Windows viruses, and perhaps also to increased activity by the spammers. In any case, it seems that the filtering on Mac OS X copes with spam rather well nowadays.

[Item Permalink] Using Elmer in industry -- Comment()
So far I have been discussing mainly academic use of Elmer. Most of the users come from the universities in Finland and abroad, but there are also several industrial companies using Elmer. For academics, Elmer is free of charge, but for industrial customers the situation is different. You have to be a partner in a development project of the Elmer software, or buy a license for Elmer.

[Item Permalink] Solving a temperature distribution problem with BEM -- Comment()
Yesterday I player with Elmer, and tried out the first tutorial problem, which illustrates a temperature distribution problem. Today I tried out the boundary element method (BEM) for solving a similar problem. Here are the results:

[Item Permalink]  -- Comment()
GnomeMeeting 1.0 Videoconferencing/VoIP Released: "[T]he developers of GnomeMeeting have released the final v1.0 version of the videoconferencing/VoIP software." [Slashdot]