Book Reviews

[Day Permalink] Wednesday, March 17, 2004

[Item Permalink] How to grow up with guns in the family -- Comment()
Boy survives father's rampage by playing dead: "The boy was extremely smart. Once he heard the other gunshot and heard his dad fall, he took off running..."

So, this is the way to survive in a society where any fool may own a gun?

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Deep understanding but little surface: 'Have you ever read something that made you tingle to the core (hot or cold) but that conceptually, you still didn't quite get. This interview with George Lakoff is a couple of months old, but it has given me that feeling of "I know that I get it deep in my bones, but my brain can't quite keep up"...' [DonnaM]

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Apple announces new "Spoken Interface" technology: "[The] technology [is] designed to vocalize and make audible everything that visually happens on a desktop. The software is much like screen-reading software..." [The Macintosh News Network]

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A Brief Introduction to Narrative Nonfiction: "It is hard to imagine a more vibrant genre, combining the immediacy of journalism and the power of true accounts with the texture, read, drama, emotional punch, point of view and broad themes of a novel. Then again, narrative nonfiction also can deliver the worst of both worlds, when the desire to construct a story trumps the responsibility to stick to the facts, no matter how inconvenient."