Updated: 24.11.2002; 17:26:14 Uhr.
lies, laws, legal research, crime and the internet

Thursday, September 5, 2002

Dialer-Betrug: Staatsanwaltschaft Weiden bereitet Sammelverfahren vor

Gut vier Monate nach den Hausdurchsuchungen bei zwei M...nnern, die mit manipulierten 0190-Dialern hunderte Internetsurfer betrogen haben sollen, ist noch immer kein Abschluss der Ermittlungen absehbar. "Wir stecken noch mitten in der Arbeit", erkl...rte heute ein Sprecher der federf[florin]hrenden Staatsanwaltschaft in Weiden/Oberpfalz gegen[florin]ber Dialerschutz.de. Auch sei es m[ring]glich, dass das Verfahren nach Chemnitz abgegeben werde, wo eine Schwerpunkt-Staatsanwaltschaft f[florin]r Datennetz-Kriminalit...t existiert. "Das wird sich aber erst in den n...chsten Wochen ergeben."

Die Betrugswelle hatte Anfang des Jahres hunderten Internetsurfern in ganz Deutschland Telefonrechnungen mit horrenden 0190-Geb[florin]hren beschert. Rechnungssteller und Betreiber der Nummer war in allen F...llen der Hamburger Carrier Hansenet. Als sich herausstellte, dass die Geb[florin]hren durch offenbar manipulierte 300-Euro-Dialer der Eops AG verursacht worden waren, schaltete sich das bayerische Landeskriminalamt ein. Zwei M...nner aus der N...he von Weiden und aus Potsdam gerieten unter den Verdacht, f[florin]r die manipulierten Einw...hlprogramme verantwortlich zu sein. Mitte Mai lie§ die "Ermittlungsgruppe Dialer" des bayerischen LKA f[florin]nf Wohnungen und B[florin]ros im Bundesgebiet durchsuchen und stellte diverse Beweismittel sicher (Dialerschutz.de berichtete exklusiv).

Dass sich die Ermittlungen nun schon so lange hinziehen, liegt nach Angaben der Staatsanwaltschaft Weiden an der Vielzahl der Betroffenen. Alleine beim bayerischen Landeskriminalamt l...gen mittlerweile 80 Strafanzeigen von Opfern vor. "Wir wollen die ganzen Ermittlungsverfahren, die an verschiedenen Orten gef[florin]hrt werden, zu einem Sammelverfahren zusammenf[florin]hren", so der zust...ndige Staatsanwalt. Dieser Vorgang sei in den kommenden Wochen abgeschlossen. Dann werde entschieden, bei welcher Ermittlungsbeh[ring]rde, also Weiden oder Chemnitz, das Verfahren zum Abschluss gebracht wird. Unklar sei bislang auch noch, ob neben dem urspr[florin]nglichen Vorwurf des Computerbetruges auch der Tatbestand des Betruges erf[florin]llt ist. Die beiden Tatverd...chtigen haben sich den Angaben zufolge noch nicht zu den Vorw[florin]rfen ge...u§ert. Ihre Anw...lte h...tten aber bereits angek[florin]ndigt, Erkl...rungen abzugeben, sobald sie Akteneinsicht bekommen haben.

Die Eops AG hatte nach dem Bekanntwerden des Ermittlungsverfahrens angek[florin]ndigt, die Eintreibung der noch ausstehenden Rechnungen selbst zu [florin]bernehmen. Gesch...digte der mutma§lichen Betr[florin]gereien w[florin]rden m[ring]glicherweise gezahlte Gelder zur[florin]ckerhalten. ãEtwaige Zahlungsanspr[florin]che von Endkunden werden wir unmittelbar von hier aus verhandeln und regulierenä, hie§ es in Schreiben, die damals an Betroffene versendet wurden. Passiert ist seitdem in den meisten F...llen nichts mehr. Auch wer f[florin]r die Kosten der Betroffenen aufkommt, die oftmals zahlreiche Briefwechsel oder Anwaltskosten zu bezahlen hatten, ist noch ungekl...rt.
21:10 # G! Translate

Stephan Ory: Rezension Zentek/Meinke, "Urheberrechtsreform 2002"

Der Autor bespricht das Buch von Sabine Zentek und Thomas Meinke zur Urheberrechtsreform 2002 und geht dabei insbesondere auf die streitigen Fragen des neuen Urheberrechts ein. [JurPC - Internet Zeitschrift f[florin]r Rechtsinformatik]
19:54 # G!

Stephan Ory: Rezension Zentek/Meinke, "Urheberrechtsreform 2002"

Der Autor bespricht das Buch von Sabine Zentek und Thomas Meinke zur Urheberrechtsreform 2002 und geht dabei insbesondere auf die streitigen Fragen des neuen Urheberrechts ein. [JurPC - Internet Zeitschrift f[florin]r Rechtsinformatik]
19:54 # G!

OLG Frankfurt a.M.: SIM-Lock-Sperre

Das OLG Frankfurt entschied, unter welchen Voraussetzungen das Entfernen der SIM-Lock-Sperre eines Handys eine Markenverletzung darstellt. [JurPC - Internet Zeitschrift f[florin]r Rechtsinformatik]
19:53 # G!

OLG München: Gewerbeschädigende Äußerungen in einem Internetforum

Unter welchen Umständen ist eine Haftung für Äußerungen in einem Internetforum anzunehmen? [JurPC - Internet Zeitschrift f[florin]r Rechtsinformatik]
19:51 # G!

Holger Zetzsche: Das Ende der "Hier-nicht-Hinweise"?

Der Autor untersucht bekannte, bereits entschiedene Domain-Grabbing-Fälle daraufhin, wie die Rechtsprechung die in diesen Fällen üblichen Hinweise bewertet hat, dass sich ein bestimmtes - an sich erwartetes - Angebot nicht auf der Website befindet. [JurPC - Internet Zeitschrift f[florin]r Rechtsinformatik]
19:50 # G!

Hackers push law to limit

DefCon delegate demonstrates copyright-breaking tech - Hackers are skating close to the edge of the law in protest over legislation such as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), which they claim is eroding their rights to make "fair use" copies of media.

Two weeks ago at the O'Reilly conference, open source expert Bruce Perens had his attempts to break the DMCA live on stage thwarted by employer Hewlett Packard (HP). But this did not stop a similar attempt by another hacker at the DefCon conference last week.

On Saturday afternoon, speaking at the legendary DefCon hacker conference in Las Vegas, Adam Bresson, owner of a network consultancy, gave a presentation on the identification and bypassing of common media protection systems.

His family were in the audience as his witnesses, and his talk was videotaped in case anyone pulled him up for breaking the DMCA [vnunet Hacking]
15:52 # G!

UK - Sentencing guidelines for child pornography

UK - Sentencing guidelines for child pornography. (Guardian) The Sentencing Advisory Panel has published a new "league table" of five classes of child porn offences, to help judges give appropriate sentences to paedophiles. The panel rejected significant toughening of punishments for child porn perverts, and said the 10-year maximum jail term should be reserved for "very serious examples". It also rejected the view - expressed by some who responded to a consultation exercise earlier this year - that offenders who view or collect child porn should always go to jail. The new sentencing system features a five-point sliding scale ranging from "nude or erotic posing" in level one to images of sadism or bestiality in level five. see UK - Offences Involving Child Pornography (Sentencing Advisory Panel) Advice to Court of Appeal. see also Child porn sentencing guide provokes concern (Guardian) and The Children's Charities' Coalition for Internet Safety (CHIS) Open letter to the Lord Chief Justice of England about sentencing in child pornography cases. [Quick Links Computercrime Cybercrime]
15:46 # G!

8.-11.10.: 3rd Internet and Multimedia World Summit

Montreux, Switzerland: The Third FIAM Summit will tackle head on the thorny and complex issues surrounding the Digital Divide, including, among others, Internet and multimedia content development, ICT infrastructure in developing countries, Internet governance, universal access to ICT, digital literacy and training, and scientific and technological research. The Summit will attempt to examine concrete public and private sector ICT efforts and initiatives underway in different parts of the world. [Saver Internt - Events]
15:12 # G!

Star phone hacker arrested

Angus Deayton phone tapper could be BT engineer

A 34 year-old Hertfordshire man has been arrested over allegations that he hacked into the phone line of television presenter Angus Deayton. The man is thought to be a BT engineer.

A number of recording devices were found in a junction box near the north London home which Deayton shares with Lise Meyer and their 18 month-old son.

The recorders were hooked up to Deayton's phone line and were thought to have been in place since the News of the World published its 'TV Deayton's drugs romp with vice girl' story. [vnunet Hacking]
15:09 # G!

4.-6.11.: IST 2002

Copenhagen: This year's IST event will focus on networking and will broaden its scope to all European Information Society research, whether it be funded at European, national or regional level - or even entirely within the private sector. Participants will play a major role in defining the event's content through an upcoming Call for Ideas. [Saver Internt - Events]
15:07 # G!

27.9.: Casting a Wider Net: Integrating research and policy on the social impacts of the Internet

The Oxford Internet Institute is holding a conference to serve as a neutral forum for academics, policymakers, corporate parties and citizens/consumers to discuss the current state of Internet research and policy. There will also be a choice of four parallel panels discussing different topics. These will include subjects such as 'The State of Broadband' and 'Education and the Net.' [Saver Internt - Events]
15:06 # G!

Treating Viewers as Criminals

Networks say watching TV without the ads is theft. Will blipverts be next? [Technology Review - Government, Law & Policy]
15:03 # G!

Putting the Squeeze on State Immunity

Are states abusing their immunity from intellectual property laws? [Technology Review - Government, Law & Policy]
15:00 # G!

Schutz vor illegalen Mehrwertdialern

[ Trojaner-Info]: "Der 190er-Dialer Warner YAW liegt nun in Version 3.5 vor. Seine Aufgabe besteht darin, den Internetnutzer vor sogenannten Mehrwertdialern zu sch[florin]tzen. Dahinter verbergen sich Programme, die einen Zugang zu bestimmten Internetinhalten [florin]ber eine Mehrwertverbindung (0190, 0900 usw.) anw...hlen. Das T[florin]ckische an diesen Dialern ist, dass sie sich mitunter g...nzlich unsichtbar im System einnisten und selbstst...ndig Mehrwertverbindungen w...hlen k[ring]nnen, so dass mitunter mehrere hundert Euro an Verbindungsendgelder verlangt werden. YAW erkennt solche Mehrwertdialer und hilft, sich effektiv vor ihnen zu sch[florin]tzen, bereits installierte Dialer auf dem eigenen System zu finden und zu vernichten sowie unbeabsichtigte Einwahlen und somit horrende Telefongeb[florin]hren zu vermeiden."
14:46 # G!

Dirty Laundry, Online for All to See

Dirty Laundry, Online for All to See. By posting court records on the Internet, the county clerk in Cincinnati is raising a Pandora's box of privacy issues. [New York Times: Technology]
14:43 # G!

Xtreme Mail.app Tuning: Permanently add Reply To headers in Mail.app

[AppleScript Info] via [Der Schockwellenreiter]
14:39 # G!

Screen Capture has also been improved big time in Jaguar. When you use the interactive version (command-shift-4), the space bar will toggle between the regular marquee selection mode and a new mode to capture just a single window, the Dock or the menu bar. The cursor changes to a camera icon when you are in this new mode and as you mouse over different areas of the screen the screen capture target is highlighted for you.

And of course, there's more... Screen captures can be triggered from the command line (and therefore AppleScript, perl, etc.) using the new screencapture command found in /usr/sbin/

usage: screencapture [-icmwsWx] [file] [cursor]
-i capture screen interactively, by selection or window
control key - causes screen shot to go to clipboard
space key - toggle between mouse selection and
window selection modes
escape key - cancels interactive screen shot
-c force screen capture to go to the clipboard
-m only capture the main monitor, undefined if -i is set
-w only allow window selection mode
-s only allow mouse selection mode
-W start interaction in window selection mode
-x do not play sounds
file where to save the screen capture

[Ken Bereskin's Radio Weblog]
14:24 #

BT slams 'scandalous' phone hacking claims

A former BT engineer claims that phone hacking is a "disease" within BT and that the telco is failing to protect its customers from premium rate phone scams.

Whistlebower Bob Godsiff was featured earlier this week on a Meridian TV show Cheatlines, in which he claimed that BT was ignoring the growing problem of phone hacking.

He claimed BT's phone network was "easily accessible" for anyone with "basic electrical knowledge". And in a worrying revelation, he alleged that most of the calls - which are made to premium rate phone lines with the cost appearing on unsuspecting customers' bills - are made by BT engineers or contractors. [The Register]
14:14 # G!

17.9.: Deutscher Juristentag

Am 19. september beginnt der Deutsche Juristentag. Leider bin ich von der Webseite ausgeschlossen, und kann daher nichts n...heres [florin]ber die Veranstaltung sagen. Alle 'Webentwickler' ins Fegefeuer!
14:12 # G! Translate

Klage wegen Fonts

Adobe klagt laut einer eigenen Pressemitteilung in den USA gegen die International Typeface Corporation (ITC) und hat gleichzeitig in London ein Schlichtungsverfahren gegen Agfa Monotype Fonts eingeleitet. [intern.de]
13:00 # G!

SSL - A discussion of the secure socket layer

The Secure Socket Layer is the protocol that gives e-commerce the confidence it needs to allow on-line banking and shopping. This is a paper discussiong the theory and practice of SSL. [Help Net Security - News]
12:57 # G!

Hey Buddy, PayPal Me a Quarter?

Panhandlers hit the Web to raise money for their personal causes -- like paying off credit cards, leaving a spouse or making a movie. Unbelievably, it's working. By Amit Asaravala. [Wired News]
12:56 # G!

Email Spam is Rapidly Becoming the 'Tool of Choice' For Internet Fraud and Identity Theft

[Help Net Security - Press Releases]

It is becoming the tool of choice? So what has SPAM been up to now?
12:55 # G!

Gamers face jail in Greece

A new Greek law, intended to ban gambling, prohibits all forms of electronic and computer games. There are vague reports that prosecutions have already occurred, and a test case is due to take place next week. [ed: this is a few days old, I'd been searching for a more detailed report than the one at The Register ] [ update : netcafe.gr has posted an English translation of the legislation ] Law Number 3037, enacted at the end of July, explicitly forbids electronic... [bplog]
12:54 # G!

Governments, technologists battle over Internet censorship

AP reports on the escalating arms race between internet censors and anti-censorship services. But lately, governments in such countries as Vietnam, China and Saudi Arabia have gotten smarter about blocking those proxies as well. And that's forcing technologists to devise new ways of evading the censors. "It's like a game," said Pham Ngoc, a Vietnamese expatriate who operates the Thong Luan site from San Jose, California. "If they discover this is a new... [bplog]
12:54 # G!

FBI Says Hotmail Hard to Find

The FBI has responded to an earlier order (also here ) to explain why it was unable to uncover information about Zacarias Moussaoui's Hotmail email account. The explanation is a little confused - why does the "account user's identity" need to be verified in order to locate records about an email address? [update : The full response answers my question: the FBI says it didn't learn the email address until July; until that point, the only way to... [bplog]
12:53 # G!

Denver opens 3,200 'spy files'

The Denver police spy files have been opened to the public - after some old-fashioned black marker censorship, of course. AP doesn't say what happened to the 22 files that the federal government contested . About 200 people crowded the lobby of Police Department headquarters Tuesday after officials opened 3,200 "spy files" on local activists and organizations. [...] Many who waited for up to an hour to see their file received papers that still smelled of... [bplog]
12:52 # G!

e-Cop: More cyber-attacks coming from Malaysia says

e-Cop.net Surveillance said that there has been a surge in cyber-attacks originating from Malaysia over the last quarter. According to data compiled by its regional Global Command Cent... [Security News Portal]
12:47 # G!

Mitnick says " Companies still exposed to 'social engineers'"

Companies are leaving themselves exposed to hackers because of a lack of awareness of the 'social engineering' techniques deployed by the most dangerous attackers, according to former hacker Kevin Mitnick [Security News Portal]
12:46 # G!

Rep. Berman replies to Politech, defends his anti-P2P piracy bill

12:33 # G!

CYBER-CRIME-INFO - Dr. Werner Ruether - Kriminologisches Seminar der Universitaet Bonn

Da wandert man durchs 'Welten Weite Weben' auf der Suche nach Computerkriminalit...t und wo findet man sie? An der Eigenen Universit...t! Dr. R[florin]ther hat unter http://www.cyber-crime.info/ eine Recht umfangreiche Sammlung zur Computerkriminalit...t aufgebaut.
11:51 # G! Translate

NPR segment on wardriving

Listen and learn. [80211b News]
10:18 # G!

US Computer crime procedure manual: New Version

This manual is designed to combine an updated version of the Guidelinesâ advice on searching and seizing computers with guidance on the statutes that govern obtaining electronic evidence in cases involving computer networks and the Internet.
0:26 # G!

Maximillian Dornseif, 2002.
September 2002
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