Updated: 24.11.2002; 17:52:02 Uhr.
lies, laws, legal research, crime and the internet

Monday, September 30, 2002

11.-13.11.2002: Chicago - CSI 29th Annual Computer Security Conference and Exhibition

CSI 29th Annual Computer Security Conference and Exhibition Chicago Hilton Towers, Chicago. See http://www.gocsi.com/pdfs/annual/29th/catalog.pdf
22:55 # G!

4.-6.6.2003: IT: IEEE 4th International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks

CALL FOR PAPERS - POLICY 2003 Location: Villa Olmo, Lake Como, Italy Web page with detailed calls for papers, panels, tutorials and other useful information: http://www.policy-workshop.org/2003/
22:44 # G!

As Security Cameras Sprout, Someone's Always Watching.

With the recent arrest of a woman in Indiana whom a security camera videotaped beating her daughter in a parking lot, the presence of electronic eyes across America has drawn new attention. But what security and privacy specialists have long known might surprise people in towns like this: the surveillance equipment is everywhere, not just in big cities and at obvious places like Times Square or outside the White House, but also in Porterville and Mishawaka, Ind., and hundreds of other places. More often than not, private rather than public hands are controlling the lenses, as was the case in Indiana.[New York Times: Technology]
22:41 # G!

Secret Service agents wardriving and warwalking wireless networks in Washington

Secret Service agents are putting a high-tech twist on the idea of a cop walking the beat. Using a laptop computer and an antenna fashioned from a Pringles potato chip can, they are looking for securi... [Security News Portal]
11:30 # G!

Stealware: Kazaa et al Stealing Link Commissions

goombah99 writes "We all heard about spyware, well now Kazaa, Morpheus and LimeWire are sneaking a new type of nastiness onto your computer, software that - without you even knowing it - redirects commissions for online purchases you make from other vendors you make back to them. For example, if you buy a CD from an affiliate of Amazon.com, say some charity, the software fools Amazon into crediting the commission to Morpheus, not the charity! The story quotes a LimeWire Developer who admits 'While I agree that this is really a bit of a scam, it is a way for us to pay salaries while not adversely affecting our users.' The insidious part is the stealware program remains even if you delete the original P2P software. And you supposedly gave your permission when you clicked through the EULA."

[Privacy Digest]
11:29 # G!

Hearing on Hollywood Hacking Bill

DaveAtFraud writes "CNN says that Hilary Rosen and the RIAA are once again lobbying Congress for the right to sabotage P2P networks. Of course, Hilary says that the RIAA wouldn't abuse this capability. Luckily, some of the lawmakers are dubious. Also, Rep. Rick Boucher asked, 'What are the implications for the Internet's functionality when the inevitable arms race develops?' and pointed out that overzealous attempts to enforce existing copyright law had all too often targetted legitimate postings." --- There's also a News.com story.

[Privacy Digest]
11:28 # G!

Maryland law targets spammers

Maryland consumers tired of finding their electronic mailboxes stuffed with unwanted pitches for amazing cancer cures and weary of opening advertisements that claim to be messages from old friends should get some welcome relief.

     A new state law that takes effect tomorrow is intended to limit unsolicited commercial e-mail, or spam, which accounted for almost half of all electronic messages last year. Despite the legislation, politicians, e-mail marketers and Internet service providers (ISP) who support reining in spammers believe that stopping the electronic junk mail will be difficult. [Moreover - moreover...]
11:20 # G!

Sieben Studien - sieben Meinungen

Sieben Studien - sieben Meinungen: Bei Unternehmensberatern und Marktforschern gibt es kaum Übereinstimmung in Fragen der IT-Security. Nur in einem Punkt herrscht Einigkeit: Unternehmen geben zu wenig Geld für Sicherheit aus.

"Man kann einer Statistik nur dann trauen, wenn man sie selbst gefälscht hat." Das Bonmot des britischen Staatsmanns Winston Churchill hat von seiner Aktualität nichts verloren. Die Computer Zeitung überprüfte sieben Studien zum Thema IT-Security. Und obwohl alle auf Umfragen unter IT-Fachleuten basieren, gleichen sich die Ergebnisse nur in wenigen Punkten. Die Widersprüche überwiegen.

Die Analysen kommen von dem IT-Security-Fachblatt KES gemeinsam mit der Unternehmensberatung KPMG, dem Online-Magazin Silicon.de, dem IT-Service-Unternehmen EDS, dem Trierer Institut für Telematik sowie den Marktforschern von IDC, Mummert + Partner sowie Ategra Research. [Sicherheit im Internet]
11:17 # G! Translate

csmonitor: Academia becomes target for new security laws

The CS Monitor reports on attempts by the US government to restrict the availability of certain kinds of research and learning to foreign students and academics. One observer points to dozens of bills proposed in Congress since Sept. 11 with features that restrict higher education. The White House has its own plans, too. [zem]
11:14 # G!

Canada Considers Updating Laws to Stop Cyber-Crime

Criminal Law (Reuters) Privacy groups and Internet service providers (ISPs) are starting to worry over proposed amendments to Canadian laws that would allow police to monitor e-mails. The amendments would allow law enforcement agencies, after they have obtained a court order, to monitor the Internet activity of ISP and wireless customers. Additionally, the new laws would require all wireless providers and ISPs to offer the monitoring technology. In reaction to the proposals, privacy groups fear the arrival of a "police state," while ISPs are concerned that they will have to pay for the new technology. [Greplaw]
11:13 # G!

Gary Shapiro on Copyspeak

Copyright miladus writes " Gary Shapiro has a solid piece on Cnet on what he calls "copyspeak", that is the equation of downloading files with piracy and Hollywood's efforts to hijack "fair use". His argument recalls that of Edward Felten on the miuse of terms such as infringement, piracy, etc." [Greplaw]
11:13 # G!

College Questioning Site's Link

A link to the site of a radical organization from the website of an activist group that uses a University of California server may remain after all. By Amit Asaravala. [Wired News]
10:53 # G!

GUIDs in Radio

I want to do Radio to the Past. I have to accept renumbering Posts. So I need something to permanently identifying posts.

Kit uses a timestamp for permalinks but this changes too, if you change a date. So I have added a new value to every posting called guid (which is slightly misleading since it is not a globlal uniqe ID). The guid is strictly numerical since I have been told that some comments have problems with alpha-numericcal IDs. It is generating by concentrating the original time of a posting and its original number, e.g. "2002093000102900002019" which should to my understanding guarantees that it is uniqe. Once created it is never changed again.

I have created a function getGuid(item) which returns the guid creating a new one if a post doesn't have already one. By calling getGuid() from user.radio.callbacks.postItem.createGuid I ensure that every new posting has a guid.

Now I can use my new functions permalinkId(), permalinkUrl(), permalink() to create guid based permalinks. This permalinks still break if the date of a posting changes. I might be able to fix this by creating a permalink to webpage mapping page, I hav eto look into this.

I also created XML-RPC functions to map a guid to a postid so my Python scripts can acces postings by guid.

Next I will try to use this guid in RSS 2.0 creation. As far as I understand this will give us the benefit that a Aggregator can identify the same item posted to different categories. I will have to look into this. BTW: there is still an error in permalink creation. They all point to the homepage which is a problem for items not posted to the homepage. I'll have to fix that.
10:44 # G!

LG Berlin: Unzulässige Werbe-E-Mail an einen Rechtsanwalt

Das LG Berlin beschäftigte sich mit der Frage der Zulässigkeit von E-Mail Werbung gegenüber einem Rechtsanwalt und nahm dabei auch zur Frage der Rechtfertigung für E-Mail Werbung aufgrund der Fernabsatzrichtlinie und der Möglichkeit des Sich-Austragens aus der Bezugsliste Stellung. [JurPC]
10:21 # G! Translate

Radio Category

I have added a category to document my Radio hacks. See http://md.hudora.de/blog/categories/radioNights for further enlightenment.
10:17 # G!

Getting old PCs to work again.

A friend pointet me to http://www.accrc.org/ where he works. They are retrofitting used PCs for schools etc. And now they are building a top500 Sopercomputer by clustering used PCs. Wow!
10:08 # G!


Das OLG Köln musste u.a. zur Verwechslungsgefahr zwischen der Marke "EXPLORER" und den für Computerprogramme verwendeten Bezeichnungen "Explore2fs" bzw. "HFVExplorer" Stellung nehmen. [JurPC]
9:23 # G! Translate

OLG München: Presserechtlicher Gegendarstellungsanspruch und Verantwortlichkeit für Links

Das OLG München nahm zu Fragen des presserechtlichen Gegendarstellungsanspruchs Stellung, wenn zuvor ein Mitglied eines Ortsvereins des Gegendarstellungsberechtigten einen Link auf eine Seite mit den den Gegendarstellungsanspruch auslösenden Äußerungen gesetzt hat. [JurPC]
9:23 # G! Translate

OLG München: Gewerbeschädigende Äußerungen in einem Internetforum

OLG München: Gewerbeschädigende Äußerungen in einem Internetforum. Unter welchen Umständen ist eine Haftung für Äußerungen in einem Internetforum anzunehmen? [JurPC]
9:22 # G! Translate

OLG Frankfurt a.M.: SIM-Lock-Sperre

Das OLG Frankfurt entschied, unter welchen Voraussetzungen das Entfernen der SIM-Lock-Sperre eines Handys eine Markenverletzung darstellt. [JurPC]
9:19 # G! Translate

Back blogging!

As you might have noticed this Weblog was broken in various ways in the last few days. Seems all showstopper bugs are ironed out and I can go on blogging. Nice.

You can find some explanation of my problems at http://md.hudora.de/blog/categories/niftyHacks/2002/30/
1:25 # G! Translate

OVG Nordrhein-Westfalen: Pflicht zur Führung von Kundendateien bei Prepaid-Angeboten

Das OVG Nordrhein-Westfalen musste zu der Frage Stellung nehmen, ob bei Mobiltelefon-Prepaid-Angeboten eine Pflicht der Anbieter besteht, die Kundendaten in Dateien zu speichern. [JurPC]
1:18 # G! Translate

OLG Karlsruhe: Haftung des Access-Providers für Faxwerbung via Internet

Haftet der Access-Provider für über seine Internet-Verbindung versandte Computerfax-Werbung? [JurPC]
1:16 # G!

Landesarbeitsgericht Hessen: Fristlose Kündigung wegen unberechtigter Passwort[per thou]nderung

Ist die unberechtigte Änderung eines Passwortes durch einen Mitarbeiter ein zur fristlosen Kündigung berechtigender wichtiger Grund im Sinne des § 626 BGB? [JurPC]
1:15 # G! Translate

Radio broke again.

Showing just [Macro error: Can't evaluate the expression because the name "when" hasn't been defined.] on all pages. Found a completely empty table in weblogData.posts. (The second but last entry. Remofed it, all seems to be fine again. I have no idea where this entry came from.
0:32 # G!

legal theory blog

Theoretically Speaking. Professor Lawrence Solum "collects his thoughts about current developments in normative legal theory and jurisprudence" on his Legal Theory weblog. Bound to broaden my horizons, and maybe yours. [Via JURIST] [Bag and Baggage]

I'm so glad that this is here. Something to add to my collection of legal theory links.

0:10 # G!

Maximillian Dornseif, 2002.
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