Updated: 24.11.2002; 17:51:16 Uhr.
lies, laws, legal research, crime and the internet

Sunday, September 29, 2002

CDU-Wahlkampf mit fragwürdigem Computerprogramm

[German conservative party did heavy datamining to find likely voters] Für den Bundestagswahlkampf hat die CDU in Köln Informationen über die Wähler mit Hilfe eines vom Meinungsforschungsinstitut Dimap entwickelten Computerprogramms ausgewertet. Aus den Daten zur Person wie Familienstand, Beruf, Einkommen und PKW-Klasse wurde die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die Betroffenen die Union wählen würden, ermittelt und die so gewonnenen Erkenntnisse gezielt im Wahlkampf verwendet. [heise online news]
23:54 # G! Translate

On the Death of Viruses

The Register has posted their thoughts on those proclaiming the end of viruses and worms. [Kill-HUP.com]
23:34 # G!

Supreme Court Fall Agenda

The LA Times has an in-depth article today outlining the tough-on-crime cases that will be at the forefront of the... [TalkLeft: The Politics of Crime]
23:33 # G!

Faulty Eyewitness Testimony

Kevin Drum of Calpundit makes a convincing argument about why photographic lineups as well as police interrogations should be videotape. [TalkLeft: The Politics of Crime]
23:14 # G!

I'm on slashdot again.

Error pointed out, that I'm on slashdot (again), somebody liked my H2K2 presentation and did a interisting implementation of the concepts in a Software called "Votster"
11:11 # G!

Seems my Radio is mostly running fine again - now I have to document haow I did that and fix some HTML.
11:00 #

Now I have reposted all postings to a fresh radio installation - let's see what upstreaming brings.
2:08 #

Maximillian Dornseif, 2002.
September 2002
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