Updated: 24.11.2002; 17:47:54 Uhr.
lies, laws, legal research, crime and the internet

Wednesday, September 25, 2002

"Transparenz im Netz": Die Suche im Internet erleichtern: Bertelsmann Stiftung erforscht Qualit[per thou]t von Suchmaschinen

Im Rahmen des Projekts "Transparenz im Netz: Suchmaschinen" untersucht die Bertelsmann Stiftung jetzt das Suchverhalten von Internet-Nutzern und die Leistungsqualität von Suchmaschinen. Auf Basis der Ergebnisse soll letztendlich ein Verhaltenskodex für Suchmaschinen-Betreiber und Portalanbieter etabliert werden.
22:56 # G!

"Transparenz im Netz": Die Suche im Internet erleichtern: Bertelsmann Stiftung erforscht Qualit[per thou]t von Suchmaschinen

Im Rahmen des Projekts "Transparenz im Netz: Suchmaschinen" untersucht die Bertelsmann Stiftung jetzt das Suchverhalten von Internet-Nutzern und die Leistungsqualität von Suchmaschinen. Auf Basis der Ergebnisse soll letztendlich ein Verhaltenskodex für Suchmaschinen-Betreiber und Portalanbieter etabliert werden.
22:56 # G!

Sperrungsverfügungen keine neue Sache

Die Sperrungsversuche in NRW sind eigentlich nichts neues:

Switzerland - Bundespolizei bekämpft Rassismus im Internet

(Neue Z[florin]rcher Zeitung 16.10.1998) Die Bundespolizei hat Schweizer Internet-Service-Anbieter aufgefordert, rassistische Internetseiten im Ausland dem Zugriff ihrer Kunden zu entziehen. Damit soll offenbar ein Pilotprozess in Sachen Rassismus im Internet vorbereitet werden. Das [florin]berst[florin]rzte Vorgehen der Bundespolizei provozierte Kopfsch[florin]tteln und Ver...rgerung. Nicht nur wurden viele technische Probleme [florin]bersehen, es gibt auch Rechtsunsicherheiten.
22:15 # G!

EU geht gemeinsam gegen Kinderpornographie vor. (Heise Online) Die Innen- und Justizminister der EU haben sich gestern in Brüssel auf gemeinsame Maßnahmen gegen Kinderpornographie im Internet geeinigt. [Quick Links Computercrime/Cybercrime]
21:30 #

USA - Internet Company Cited for Fraud

(AP) The Securities and Exchange Commission has secured a temporary restraining order and an asset freeze against WARPnet Holdings, which portrays itself as a provider of Internet technology. The SEC alleged that WARPnet defrauded investors by selling stakes in the company and falsely claiming it had business agreements with bodies such as the Rolling Stones and the Mormon Church. [Quick Links Computercrime/Cybercrime]
21:29 # G!

Links zu den diversen Sperrungs-Konferenzen

Wie es scheint, hat keiner der Kombattanten im Sperrungsstreit, einen Pressespiegel zu den Konferenzen gemacht. Hier ein kleiner Ersatz daf[florin]r:

Zentralrat der Juden für Vorgehen gegen rechtsextreme Webseiten. (dpa)
Der Präsident des Zentralrats der Juden in Deutschland, Paul Spiegel, hat sich dafür ausgesprochen, gegen rechtsextreme Webseiten im Internet vorzugehen. ÇIch hätte mir vor 15 Jahren nicht vorstellen können, dass es heute wieder möglich sein würde, öffentlich zum Hass aufzurufenÈ, sagte er beim internationalen Kongress ÇHass und Gewalt im InternetÈ in Düsseldorf. [Quick Links events]

02-09-16 DE- Hacker-Verband: Kongress gegen Internet-Zensur. (Netzeitung )
In Nordrhein-Westfalen soll der Zugang zu kritischen Websites gesperrt werden. Der Chaos Computer Club holt jetzt eine Konferenz zur Informationsfreiheit am Montag den 16.09.2002 nach Düsseldorf. Konferenz zu Informationsfreiheit, Kontrolle von Inhalten und Zensur im Internet [Quick Links]

Bis zum Ende ausfechten. (taz)
Harald A. Summa, Geschäftsführer des Provider Dachverbandes "eco", will gegen die Verfügung der Düsseldorfer Landesregierung, rechtsradikale Webseiten zu sperren, vor Gericht ziehen [Quick Links events]

Krieg der Kongresse (Telepolis)

Von Medienparadigmen und Internetsperrungen (Heise)

Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf ordnet sofortige Sperrung von Nazi-Websites an. (Heise)
Die Düsseldorfer Bezirksregierung hat im juristischen Tauziehen um Website-Sperrungen nochmals nachgelegt. Erst Ende Juli hatte sie die Widersprüche von 38 Providern gegen ihre Sperrungsverfügung vom Februar zurückgewiesen. Daraufhin klagte rund ein Dutzend der betroffenen Unternehmen gegen die Verfügung. Nun hat die Behörde den sofortigen Vollzug der Sperrverfügung angeordnet und damit die aufschiebende Wirkung der laufenden Klagen ausgehebelt. Die Provider müssen die Sperrung nun umgehend umsetzen, sofern sie nicht vor Gericht einen Antrag auf Aussetzung des sofortigen Vollzugs stellen. [Quick Links]

Gesellschaftlicher Dialog oder Pistole auf der Brust? (Telepolis)

Linksammlung zum Thema (RAe Alavi, Fr[ring]sner, Stadler)

Von Medienparadigmen und Internetsperrungen Chaos Computer Club bekr...ftigt seine Position im Zensurstreit. web-media.at@020917: Mit einer "Konferenz zu Informationsfreiheit, Kontrolle von Inhalten und Zensur im Internet" hat der Chaos Computer Club (CCC) am Montag in D[florin]sseldorf seine Position im Zensurstreit mit der Bezirksregierung D[florin]sseldorf bekr...ftigt. Dabei wurde die Rechtm...§igkeit der Sperrungsverf[florin]gungen bestritten. "Unser Ansatz war, der populistischen Argumentationsweise von Herrn B[florin]ssow eine der Komplexit...t entsprechende Argumentation entgegenzustellen", erl...uterte CCC-Sprecher Andy M[florin]ller-Maguhn. Die Bezirksregierung veranstaltet am Dienstag in D[florin]sseldorf einen eigenen Kongress zum Thema "Hass und Gewalt im Internet". Da der CCC dort seine eigene Position nicht ausreichend vertreten sah, setzten die Hacker kurzfristig eine eigene Veranstaltung an, an der zirka 50 G...ste teilnahmen. [web-media.at]

Kongress: "Hass und Gewalt im Internet" (WDR)

Freiheit - nicht schrankenlos (Bettina Schmieding / Landesanstalf für Medien)

Hass im Netz im Deutschlandfunk, in der Sendung "Markt und Medien", 21.9.2002 (Bettina Schmieding)

Holger Dambeck: "Die Macht des Gesetzes", c't 2002, Heft 20, Seite 56

disLEXia: Audio Mitschnitte, PDFs, round up, insert coin, first conference, Bestimmtheit des VA, Sperrverf[florin]gung.
20:53 # G!


Wir waren grad' mit neal in der Waschk[florin]che. [integral]ber nacht war die Windelundicht gewesen, und nun wollten wir den Schlafsack aus dem Trockner holen. Knuthbert war mitgewaschen - der hatte es auch bitter n[ring]tig. Als Neal den Knuthbert ersp...hte, rief er begeistert aus: "Knuusi!", packte sich den Betthasen, meinte "Puppe" und k[florin]§§te (!) ihn liebevoll auf die Nase.
18:10 # G!

Exploiting online raunch at the polls

(CNet News.com) What is it with state attorneys general trying to stamp out Internet vice around election time? This year, attorneys general for Pennsylvania and Michigan, gubernatorial hopefuls both, are testing the same underhanded tactic. In moves that are simultaneously constitutionally dubious and coldly calculating, they're betting they can win votes by spreading fear, uncertainty and doubt. The Pennsylvania Attorney General is behind in the polls by about 7 percent. He asked the judge to order that WorldCom block access to all of Terra.es, Spain's largest Internet portal. Requiring an Internet provider to block all of Terra.es makes as much sense as blocking all of Yahoo because of one illegal Geocities page--or, perhaps more to the point, torching a library to prevent patrons from reading one particular book. [Quick Links]
17:24 # G!

Searching and Seizing Computers and Related Electronic Evidence Issues

Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) Revised July 2000. This publication provides a comprehensive guide to the legal issues that arise when federal law enforcement agents search and seize computers and obtain electronic evidence in criminal investigations. The topics covered include the application of the Fourth Amendment to computers and the Internet, the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, workplace privacy, the law of electronic surveillance, and evidentiary issues. This updated version includes discussion of significant changes to relevant Federal law arising from the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001. [Quick Links]
17:20 # G!

Comms traffic snooping breaks EU laws

(vnunet) The Home Office wants internet service providers (ISPs) and telcos to store customers' communications traffic data on a voluntary basis, but by doing this companies could be breaking the law. [Quick Links]
17:19 # G!

Operation Buccaneer

(Cybecrime.gov) Operation Buccaneer is an ongoing international copyright piracy investigation and prosecution undertaken by federal law enforcement. On December 11, 2001, in a coordinated international effort, the U.S. Customs Service and the Department of Justice executed, or caused to be executed, more than 65 searches in the U.S. and five foreign countries. As of July, 2002, 16 defendants have been convicted in the U.S. of felony criminal copyright offenses, including conspiracy to commit those offenses, and nine defendants have been sentenced to federal prison terms ranging in length from 30 to 46 months. [Quick Links]
17:18 # G!

US - California - Governor signs bills to stop unwanted faxes and text messages

Gov. Gray Davis signed bills that ban unwanted faxed advertisements and unsolicited text messages on cell phones. With his signature, Davis eliminated California's law against sending unsolicited faxes to allow a stronger federal law to take effect. The federal law requires that companies sending unsolicited faxes for advertising get permission before faxing those ads. The state law struck down required that unsolicited advertisements sent over fax machines have a toll-free number so fax owners could be removed from the phone lists. The other two bills signed prohibit businesses from sending advertisements through text messaging on cellular phones or pagers and make minor changes to the state's do-not-call list for telemarketers. [Quick Links]
17:18 # G!

EasyInternetCafe faces gag in CD-burning row

(Yahoo UK)
EasyInternetCafe has been threatened with a gagging order as the ongoing piracy dispute between the company and the British music industry remains unresolved. Lawyers acting on behalf of the British Phonographic Industry (BPI) contacted EasyInternetCafe, warning that they plan to apply for an injunction that would stop EasyInternetCafe talking to the press about the row. [Quick Links]
17:17 # G!

German crackdown on child porn

- German police have searched the homes of about 1,400 people suspected of having paid money to view child pornography websites, the country's federal crime-fighting agency BKA says. Police confiscated about 47,000 computer disks and 25,000 videos in recent days. Two cases of alleged sexual abuse also came to light. [Quick Links]
17:16 # G!

A Bounty on Spammers

By Lawrence Lessig Spam is a blight on our high-tech civilization. Lawrence Lessig has an idea: force spammers who don't label their junk e-mail to pay $10,000 to the first recipient who finds them. [Quick Links]
17:14 # G!

Search firm takes heat for sharing data

(CNET News.com)
Norwegian-based Fast Search and Transfer, a relatively new talent among search engines, is under fire from privacy advocates who say it's violating its country's laws by collecting data on visitors and sharing the information with third parties. In a complaint filed this week with the Norwegian government, Public Information Research (PIR) charged the search provider's showcase site, AlltheWeb, with failing to notify visitors that it uses tiny electronic tags to monitor search queries in partnership with online portal Lycos and DoubleClick, an advertising technology company. The privacy watchdog said that the practice breaches Norwegian laws requiring companies to disclose if personal data about consumers is shared with third parties. [Quick Links]
17:14 # G!

UK - Police powerless to snare porn users

Police have accused the Home Office of not providing enough resources to allow them to arrest hundreds of probable child abusers. The Observer has learnt that the email addresses and credit card details of more than 7,000 British-based users of illegal child porn have been uncovered by American investigators. But their British counterparts complain they are unable to act on the information because of a chronic lack of resources. More than one year after the information was received, there have been only 80 arrests in Britain. [Quick Links]
17:14 # G!

Scotland - Police to quiz 70 over child porn

About 70 suspected paedophiles in the Lothians and Borders are facing arrest as part of the biggest-ever crackdown by police on child pornography. It is understood that Lothian and Borders Police have been given the names of people suspected of buying child pornography over the internet. The 70 under suspicion form part of a 7000-strong list of suspected British paedophiles handed over to the UK authorities by the FBI. [Quick Links]
17:13 # G!

LawMeme (Yale) - Sherman, Set the Wayback Machine for Scientology.

The Wayback Machine (aka Archive.org, The Internet Archive) has, with little fanfare, removed entire domains from its archive in accordance with a request from Scientology's lawyers:

Lawyers for the Church of Scientology contacted the Internet Archive, asserted ownership of materials visible through the Wayback Machine, and those materials have been removed from the Wayback Machine. [email to LawMeme]

The problem is not that the Internet Archive received such a request from the Church of Scientology's lawyers, or even complied with the legal portions of the request, but that the Internet Archive has not taken minimal steps to defend free inquiry and access to information. LawMeme reveals the sordid details...

This current attack by Scientology on freedom of expression appears very similar to what happened to Google back in March 2002, initially reported among other places in Microcontent News (Church v. Google: How the Church of Scientology is forcing Google to censor its critics). The New York Times (reg. req.) has a good summary of the entire controversy on Google vs. Scientology (Google Runs Into Copyright Dispute).

[Privacy Digest]
17:07 #

Cybercrime Code Ready

Internet service providers are preparing for a new cybercrime code of conduct that will detail how much data they should keep on subscribers in order to co-operate with police and other law enforcement agencies. The Internet Industry Association (IIA) is about to release the draft of its Cybercrime code of conduct, chairman Justin Milne said. [LinuxSecurity.com - Latest News]
17:05 # G!

26.9.: BE, Brussels - Experts to chart a way for combating online racism

Organized by the Oxford Programme on Comparative Media Law and Policy, this one-day workshop on regulation and self-regulation in the area of racism, xenophobia and incitement online will be a working meeting, bringing together area experts and interested parties, to discuss the progress of hate speech control on the Internet, evaluate current successes and failures and elicit ideas for self-regulatory solutions to combat problem of hate and violent content on the Internet. [Quick Links]
17:03 # G!

Host pulls satire site after police 'incitement' claim

A satirical Web site that attempted to parody concerns over child safety has been shut down following the intervention of police.

Thinkofthechildren.co.uk was pulled on Monday after officers from the Metropolitan Police Service's Obscene Publications and Internet Unit contacted the site's hosts alleging that that it could incite others to violence. [The Register]
17:00 # G!

ap: China: Falun Gong Disrupts TV Signal

Falun Gong supporters have hijacked another Chinese satellite TV broadcast. Just last week 15 people were sentenced to up to 20 years over similar hijackings earlier this year .

"Why do some Falun Gong die-hards dare to blemish modern civilization in such a barefaced manner?" the Xinhua News Agency said in a blistering editorial that accompanied a 1,100-word report about the incursion. [zem]
16:59 # G!

30.9-1.10.: BE, Brussels - Data Protection Conference and Report on the implementation of Directive 95/46/EC

(European Commission) 30 Sep - 1 Oct. Programme, practical information and speeches . See also position papers. The enrollment period for the conference closed on 15 August. The registrations received exceed the number of available seats considerably. [Quick Links]
16:48 # G!

13.-16.10.: NL, Maastricht - Internet Research 3.0: NET / WORK / THEORY

Association of Internet Researchers (A.o.I.R.). Maastricht, The Netherlands, October 13-16 2002. This international and interdisciplinary conference will feature a variety of perspectives on internet research, in order to develop a better theoretical and pragmatic understanding of the internet. Building on the previous well-attended international conferences, the IR 3.0 will bring together prominent scholars, researchers, and practitioners from many disciplines, fields and countries for a program of presentations, panel discussions, and informal exchanges. [Quick Links]
16:30 # G!

Immernoch auf Immobiliensuche

Wir haben zwar im internet mehrere neue - zum Teil auch recht g[florin]nstige - Angebote gefunden, doch bei Nachfrage waren die alle schon wieder weg.
9:24 # G!


Neal bekommt die zweite Runde Backenz...hne und die scheinen sehr weh zu tun - der arme! Heute nacht haben wir die Nicky auf das Sofa umquatiert, damit Neal in Ruhe mit mir jammern konnte, was er dann auch gemacht hat. Heute morgen hat er nach dem Fr[florin]hst[florin]ck erstmal eine Stunde bitterlich geweint, was aber jetzt vergessen zu sein scheint.
9:17 # G!

AU: Cybercrime code ready

Australia's Internet Industry Association has released a draft of its Cybercrime Code of Practice. The Code sets out standards for data retention and surveillance access for law enforcement, in an attempt to stave off legislative requirements. [zem]
7:28 # G!

Copyright Hurdles Confront Selling of Music on the Internet

Online services trying to sell music over the Internet face an intellectual property labyrinth paved with administrative quicksand. [New York Times: Technology]
7:26 # G!

DARPA seeks "total information awareness"

Biometric, language processing, predictive modeling and database technologies are all key areas of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's revamped strategy to assist homeland security. [Government Computer News - DOD Computing]
7:25 # G!

Reprieve for Greek gamers

The Greek Government has backed down over its blanket ban on computer games which could have forced internet cafes out of business. [BBC News | TECHNOLOGY]
7:24 # G!

Scientology Attacks the Wayback Machine

Remember last March when Scientology got Google to remove many pages from their search results? Of course you do (infoAnarchy: DMCA Used To Remove Scientology Critics From Google). Some of the pages were restored because of Scientology's overreaching ... and you are now notified if a result is removed because of a cease and desist order, which you can read for yourself on Chilling Effects (infoAnarchy: Google Does the Right Thing (Finally)). Well, Scientology is up to it again, this time going after the Internet Archive and I don't think the Archive is doing a good job defending itself. See, LawMeme: Sherman, Set the Wayback Machine for Scientology [infoAnarchy]
7:23 # G!

Japanese government funds Internet-filtering software

1:34 # G!

EU finances `OpenEvidence', an Open Source project

The EU is very active in supporting Open Source development by providing financial aids to European projects of interest, like OpenEvidence that was approved to be realized by a consortium of technology providers and users from 4 countries: Belgium, France, Italy and Estonia. In this contest C&A is very proud to announce its OpenEvidence participation, integrating its Time Stamping technology, to this 'evidence creation and validation system' of electronic documents and activities. The technology developed by the project can be used as basic building blocks to support such services as non-repudiation of electronic business transactions, property right protection and notarisation. Implementations and demonstration services using the protocols defined in RFC 3029 (DVCS) and RFC 3161 (TSP) will be provided as initial activity. A version of time stamping service can be also be tested on the C&A web site. To learn more about OpenEvidence: http://www.com-and.com/openevidence.html [infoAnarchy]
1:33 # G!

State of Pennsylvania v. WorldCom -- court documents now online

1:32 # G!


1:10 # G!

Maximillian Dornseif, 2002.
September 2002
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