Updated: 24.11.2002; 17:40:08 Uhr.
lies, laws, legal research, crime and the internet

Tuesday, September 17, 2002

Klage gegen Bezirksregierung

In der Diskussion [florin]ber die Sperrung von rechtsextremistischen Internetinhalten hat der Internetverband Eco in D[florin]sseldorf rechtliche Schritte betroffener Unternehmen gegen die Bezirksregierung angek[florin]ndigt. [PC-Magazin]
23:20 # G! Translate

Polizei verfolgt Surf-Betrüger

(Heise Online) Die K[ring]lner Polizei ist Hackern auf der Spur, die auf fremde Kosten im Internet surfen. Zur Zeit registrierten die Beamten immer mehr Betrugsf...lle, bei denen sich Internetnutzer fremder Zugangskennungen bedienten und f[florin]r die Gesch...digten horrende Kosten verursachten. [Quick Links Computercrime Cybercrime]
22:49 # G!

Security breach on UK tax site halts online filing

The U.K. Inland Revenue (IR) shut down its Internet tax self-assessment service on Monday because of security breaches, the tax department said on Friday.

"Several people were using the self assessment online service over the weekend when they noticed the details of other filers and reported the problem to us. As a result, we temporarily shut down the system on Monday night and are now working around the clock to get to the bottom of the problem," an IR spokesman said.

The IR declined to give details of the personal data revealed, or how many people had confidential information made public. The government department was also unable to estimate how long it will take to repair the problem and get the service back online. [IDG.net]
22:30 # G!

USA - Net sex bust ruled entrapment

USA - Net sex bust ruled entrapment (ZDNN) Calling into question government methods used to catch online pedophiles, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that federal agents went too far when trying to prove that a Florida man was trolling for sexual encounters with minors. see also Feds' Online Sex Lure Ruled Entrapment. (The Recorder). [Quick Links Computercrime Cybercrime]
22:30 # G!

Jedes 2. Unternehmen schon Opfer von Hackern

Studie - Fast jedes zweite Unternehmen ist in den letzten Jahren schon einmal von Computerkriminalit...t betrof... [Newsbyte.ch]
22:30 # G!

Quote of the Day

Somebody of the protestant church at the conference today: Somebody with a quasi-monopoly like google may ask itself it it can mecanically index Internetpages or if it has to redactionally edit it's content.
15:08 # G!

"We nead a more clear definition of cybercrime"

There is an english language Article at heise about the proposal by Marco Cappato to better distinguish between cyber demonstrations and cybercrime.
15:01 # G!

Präsentation zu den Sperrverfügungen.

Die "Chronologie des Grauens" zu den Düsseldorfer Sperrverfügungen ist hier online verf[florin]gbar.
14:31 # G! Translate

Content tax on G3 Phones?

In Germany you have to pay a "broadcast fee" on every radio or television reciver you own. This money is used to finance something like national and statewide public television/radio. There was a lot of fight about this fee for Internet-PCs since the< could be used to recive the public programming, too. Now they want to collect this fee also for G3 phones.
14:28 # G!

Selling your Votes for satiric purposes

People recently tried to sell their votes for the german election next week on eBay, via cashvote.com or classified ads in newspapers. The prosecuter of Frankfurt started to collect information on this cases. Now the people at cashvote.com claim that this was only a satiric art event.
14:21 # G!

Rampant Australian phone tapping puts US in the shade

The Australian opposition has issued a report detailing the number of wiretap warrants issued in the last year; per capita, Australian law enforcement is using 20 times as many wiretaps than the US. Last year's figures are available here . These figures don't include ASIO wiretaps, nor do they include a potential increase due to proposed new anti-terrorism surveillance powers.

Figures released by the Federal Opposition, and taken from annual reports of the United... [zem]
14:09 # G!

More on the OpenSSL/slapper worm

Anti-virus firm F-Secure has placed one of their systems on the Slapper worm's peer to peer network, enabling them to monitor the number of OpenSSL servers infected. The data they've colleced thus far indicates that it is spreading fairly rapidly: as of this morning, over 11249 systems were on the worm's P2P network, compared to 5987 less than a day ago. While that's nowhere near the rate Code Red or Nimda spread, it's a good start, and a focused denial of service attack from the entire network of infected servers could be extremely effective. [Hideaway]
0:18 # G!

Maximillian Dornseif, 2002.
September 2002
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