Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Oh Those Kooky SCO Guys!

Yep, they're at it again.

SCO to send out Linux invoices. The SCO Group is turning up the heat in its attempt to impose Unix license fees for Linux use: It plans to begin sending invoices to companies before the month is out. [CNET News.com]

File under Current Events.

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Writer's Block?

Or maybe Blogger's Block? If any of you have suffered from it you should check this out:

stuff.. For the last month, (and most of summer, I think) this site has sucked. It has sucked hard. I can't write for shit, and when I have written, it's been . . . well, shit. [WIL WHEATON DOT NET: Where is my mind?]

File under Blog Talk.

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Is It Fall Already?

It only got up to around 65 degrees here today and it's rainy and damp. We got in late last night from our Labor Day trip out to my sister's. I'm tired from a full day at work so I'll have to post something about the trip tomorrow. Anyway, since it's Tuesday it must be time for...

PromoGuy's Monday Mission 3.35

1. The North Carolina Press Photographers Association (NCPPA) recently took back a photographer's three awards when it was learned that he had digitally altered some photos. I use PhotoShop or other digital editing tools all the time on my photographs. I never thought that was wrong. Do you think it is "unethical" for newspaper photographers to use PhotoShop to alter the images they capture? Should journalists be held to a higher standard?

Journalists should not be inventing or embellishing the news. That's true whether they're print or photo journalists.

2. On the flip-side of journalistic integrity, several newspapers are choosing not to run the Sept. 7 edition of "Doonesbury" because it mentions masturbation. I just don't care for Doonesbury anymore, but it made me wonder how much progress we've really made as a society. Is masturbation a bad thing? Even in the times in which we live, is it something that can't be spoken of still? And just for grins, do you really believe people who say they've never done that?

I think it's a personal matter which is up to the individual and isn't anybody else's business. I don't believe people who say they've never done it. By the way, did I tell you I won a contest? <grin> By the way, I think Doonesbury stopped being funny or relevant many many years ago.

3. If you had the power to be the Webmaster Almighty, what one thing would you eliminate entirely from the World Wide Web?

I would eliminate child pornography.

4. Did you grow up in the same town when you were young, or did your parents move around a lot? How do you think that impacted your life? Has it had any affects on your adult life?

I pretty much stayed in one town all of my childhood. I think that if it had any impact on my life it would be negative. I think it limits your perspective on things and can even make you closed-minded. I know some people I grew up with who still live there and I find that their viewpoints are extremely parochial and I have nothing at all in common with them anymore.

5. Who deserves to be called a Liar to their face? What would you say to them to publicly humiliate them? ("Liar, liar, pants on fire...")

I don't think I have enough space left on this server for the list. I think that just exposing them for what they truly are would suffice as humiliation. Of course, these days no body seems to be ashamed of anything anymore.

6. How do you picture Heaven?

It's not so much a picture as it is a feeling of true and eternal peace. I don't think our minds can even imagine what a place that would keep us eternally happy would look like.

7. Who do you hope to meet in the afterlife?


BONUS: When you're gone how can I even try to go on?

You've just got to "suck it up" and keep on keepin' on.

Today's Comment Question: What do you do really, really well?

Beat myself up.

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