Wednesday, September 03, 2003

I Had Planned...

...on writing something witty tonight (actually just a shameless rip-off of a concept Frank J. had already done), but I got home late and am in a generally pissed off mood over the way the day went. Besides, anything I could write would pale in comparison to something I read over at unbillable hours along with a sad but truly moving post over at Electric Venom. So instead, I've downloaded 3 free eBooks (The Hound of the Baskervilles, Tom Sawyer, and Huckleberry Finn) from Planet PDF courtesy of Lockergnome and I think I'll just spend some time reading other blogs and seeing what others have to say.

File under Blog Talk.

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Golden Years

Here's an interesting post I received from the Post-Careerist newsgroup:

I recently read a book called "Die Broke", where the author maintains that it is foolhardy to sacrifice the here and now for the wishful thinking that you can save enough to live comfortably after you quit working.  He maintains that people should develop an income stream by doing what they like, and when what you like changes, as it inevitably will as you age, change accordingly.  I too know many people who sacrificed all of their lives in order to be secure in their golden years, but never developed the interests nor the skills to enjoy them well.  In the worst case scenario, some people die early in their retirement, like my father who died less than three months into his Golden Years.  What good was his sacrifice all those years to defer his enjoyments?  At age 50 I went back to college and changed from  a salesman to a social worker.  The instant gratification of helping people more than makes up for the modest wages, and I feel I can do this until I'm 90.  In addition, I am building a  network with  caring people who can be counted on to help me in the future, should I need help.  I have become like Thoreau, and have simplified my life to the point that I live within my means, am debt free, and for the first time in my life I can say I am happy.  We can become a prisoner of our things.  Resist that, live for today, save for a rainy day, but do not defer happiness for the sake of security.  If you frown long enough, like Mom used to say, "You're face is going to set like that".

File under Working Stiff Stuff

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