Thursday, September 11, 2003


I had a post I had written out but after reading it I thought it was just banal in the context of everything that happened two years ago and all that has happened since. Suffice it to say that I spent the day in quiet reflection. And deep sadness.

The above photos are by Bill Biggert. He did not survive.

File under Current Events.

9:40:42 PM    Go ahead, make my day  []  trackback []  


I was thinking about what to post today. It's still very hard to express my feelings in words. September 11, 2001 is like a sharp black line drawn through the middle of my life. There's one me on the other side, and a different me here. Instead, I look to the words of others as I strain to express my own feelings.

Po Bronson, in his book What Should I Do With My Life, says something that keeps rattling around in my brain:

Coming to work was never a more conscious decision in the days after September 11, 2001. Just getting in the elevator and sitting down at one's desk was deeply meaningful. It symbolized moving on with life, or showing strength, or it was a humiliation (if that was the last place one wanted to be) that ignited the will to make some changes.

I don't think anything I could say this morning would have more meaning than this post over at The Lemon. I'm going to do a lot of thinking today.

File under Current Events.

6:43:04 AM    Go ahead, make my day  []  trackback []