Friday, September 12, 2003

All You Need Is Cash

It seems like the only business Apple Corps has been in for years is the lawsuit business. Witness the following:

Both sides issue statement in Apple/Beatles lawsuit. An Apple Corps spokesperson confirmed on Friday that the organization started by The Beatles has file a lawsuit against Apple Computer Inc. The lawsuit cites breach of contract by Apple Computer over the use of "Apple." "Specifically, (the) complaint is made over the use by Apple Computer of the word "Apple" and apple logos in conjunction with its new application for downloading pre-recorded music from the Internet," Apple Corps said in a statement on Friday. [MacCentral]

File under Rants and Raves.

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Last night I watched on PBS (WNET Channel 13 in our area) a documentary, 9/11: A Tale of Two Towers. The program combined actual footage of the tragety along with interviews about the experiences of people who survived at the World Trade Center on September 11th. After watching this program I was glad that I didn't post anything.Anything I could say would be trivial in comparison to what these people went through and what they have to live with.

File under Current Events.  

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More "Friends and Neighbors"

The United Nations Security Council voted today to lift sanctions against Libya.

Why would anyone ever want to lift sanctions against a regime that admits it sponsors terrorism?

There were 13 votes for the draft resolution, none against, and two abstentions - one being the US which will maintain its own separate sanctions on Libya.

Why didn't we veto the resolution?

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The Case For Anger 

This is from today in Andrew Sullivan's blog, The Daily Dish:

On this anniversary, the tritest thing to feel is mere grief. Not that grief isn't justified. But grief is a natural response to unforeseen tragedy, to random events, to things beyond human control. And what happened two years ago today wasn't merely tragedy. It was a conscious atrocity, an act of war. The free West was attacked by a pathological ideology that still holds a whole region of the world in its grip. And the very forces that tried to destroy us then are still trying to destroy us - as that grotesque videotape yesterday only underlined. Any attempt to hide that fact, minimize it, gloss over it, or complicate it into vagueness is an insult to memory.

File under Current Events

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