Thursday, September 18, 2003

Around the Web

The wind is finally starting to pick up around here and one of my co-workers has gone down to the shore to check on his boat. So, I thought, why not list some things of interest I came across today in my meanderings around the web?

First, there's a great post at Electric Venom on how unreconstructed attitudes to women are restricting economic growth in the Middle East and North Africa.

Then, over at there's an interesting article called 10 Things Your Lawyer Won't Tell You that I came upon via

Then, for all you newbies to Frank J's humor at IMAO he offers A Frank Guide For New Readers at IMAO. Now you can sort out who's who among his cast of characters.

For those of you in the mood because of Hurricane Isabel, there's a great story called Storms over at unbillable hours that you should check out.

Along the same lines,
haikuEsq ponders Isabel.

You might also want to check out the
National Hurricane Center's website for the most up to date info.

Finally, I found the website I refered to yesterday called
Fighting Back at Nigerian 419 Advance Fee Fraud Scammers. It's a gold mine of emails you can use to pull a prank on the scammers.

File under Blog Talk.

7:42:42 PM    Go ahead, make my day  []  trackback []  

She's On Her Way!

Image of storm location, predicted track, and coastal areas under a warning or a watch

File under The Great Outdoors.

8:00:03 AM    Go ahead, make my day  []  trackback []