Monday, September 15, 2003

Just One Man's Opinion

Maybe what he really meant to say was that recent security vulnerabilities represent a "new and growing challenge to monopolization."

Ballmer: Stop viruses before they start. Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer warns that recent security vulnerabilities represent a "new and growing challenge to innovation." [CNET - Front Door]

File under Geek Talk.

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Another Monday

Mrs. Hondo and I had a very nice weekend getting away from it all. We got a nice package deal at a hotel, caught Bob Golub (very funny) at Catch-A-Rising-Star and enjoyed a great brunch before returning home. Anyway, it's back to reality now and it's also time for:

PromoGuy's Monday Mission 3.37

1. Chrystal said in last week's Monday Mission that the chore she dreaded most was having to "fold and put away clothes." What regular chore(s) do you dread the most?

I would have to agree with Chrystal. What I especially hate is matching up the colored socks. I guess second place would go to emptying out the dishwasher.

2. Have you ever tried any of the "tabbed" browsers like MyIE2, Safari or Mozilla Firebird? Do you like it better than a one-window browser? How come?

I use Safari on my PowerBook and Mozilla Firebird on my WinTel desktop. In my mind tabbed browsing is much more convient than one-window browsers like IE. I don't think I'd ever go back to IE unless I absolutely had to.

3. I was told last night that normal people don't spend as much time on the computer as I do. That if I'd devote that energy toward something else, anything else, I could have probably cured cancer by now. I don't think my time is wasted when I am on-line or otherwise working on the PC, but maybe it really is more time than so-called "normal' people. Do you ever get criticized for being on the computer too much? How much time do you spend on the PC and/or on-line? Is it too much time are or do they just not "get" us?

At home, I'm on the computer too much only when somebody else wants to use it and be on the computer too much themselves. At work, I have a boss that still prefers a slide rule to a calculator so what can I say. By the way, where does one go to meet these "normal" people?

4. One of the phrases I notice every week when read in the job listings is "must be a highly motivated self-starter.." I have no idea what that means. To me it sounds like what they really want to say is "must be able to take a lot of crap and not complain." That could be why I don't get many second interviews. In your opinion, what is a "self-starter?" Are you a "self-starter?"

In the context of these ads it's just another cliche. I think it means, "I don't know exactly what to tell you to do, but I reserve the right to criticize your work product." Another one I love is when a job has "great potential for growth." That means they want to underpay you.

5. Let's take that thought one step further: Write a Job Ad that describes you perfectly (as you are now, not as your "ideal" self) as well as the ideal job you'd like to get paid for doing.

As I am now: Seeking unmotivated complainer. Team players need not apply.

Ideal job: Philosopher-King wanted. Short hours, great pay, excellent benefits.

6. As you may know, I have (Adult)ADD in a bad way, severe even. Although I'd very much like to be rid of it, I don't take meds for it because they made me very irritable and very unpleasant to be around. Do you take medications on a regular basis, or ever attempted to? Have they caused any side effects? Is it worth enduring them for the benefit you receive from the medication?

I take lots of medications every day. They cause side effects like irritability, dizziness, nausea, trouble sleeping etc. I'd like to do without them but I need them to function.

7. Some things should just stay in the past, you know? I've found many memories are better as memories. When you try to re-live them they never seem to be able to live up to the memory. Maybe we glamorize them over time. Or maybe they were as good as we think, but something from "now" gets in the way and you just can't get past it. What moment from the past have you tried to re-live that has fallen short of the memory?

BONUS: Didn't your mama tell you life is too good too waste?

Yeah. Too bad I didn't listen to her.

Today's Comment Question: What could "PG dot net" add or change to make this blog even better?

I like you just the way you are.

File under Monday Mission.

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