Heli's Heaven and Hell Radio : NEWS AND VIEWS on art, literature, politics, Bush.
Updated: 1/11/08; 11:28:52 AM.


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Thursday, October 6, 2005

Some Americans are really the limit. They talk freely about invading other countries, don't even know where these countries are situated (some mistake Australia for Iran). But I guess you would be considered a terrorist if you mentioned invading the US.

And the GOP has turned into the Mafia.
You can find Banana Republicans everywhere. Hrmpff!

But seriously now, there is more reason to cry for America.
TheProgressive: "A student had taken a photo of George Bush out of a magazine and tacked the picture to a wall with a red thumb tack through his head. Then he made a thumb's down sign with his own hand next to the President's picture, and he had a photo taken of that.
An employee in that Wal-Mart photo department called the Kitty Hawk police on the student. And the Kitty Hawk police turned the matter over to the Secret Service."

NPR: "A federal court in New York has ruled that the Salvation Army may hire and fire employees according to their religious beliefs - even though it receives most of its money for social services from the government. The ruling earlier this week is considered a major court victory for the Bush administration."

Reuters: "Four decades after a U.S. president declared war on poverty, more than 37 million people in the world's richest country are officially classified as poor and their number has been on the rise for years.
Since 2000, the ranks of the poor have increased year by year by almost 5.5 million in total."

SFGate: "Republicans in Congress propose to slash food programs for the poor by $574 million and subsidies and conservation programs by $1 billion each."

Post-Gazette: "The Bush administration yesterday said it has no plans to ask Congress for additional funds to help low-income families and financially stretched seniors deal with rapidly escalating home heating bills."

Guardian: "Around 3,000 city workers in New Orleans are to lose their jobs in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, it was announced yesterday."
1:04:49 PM    

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