Heli's Heaven and Hell Radio : NEWS AND VIEWS on art, literature, politics, Bush.
Updated: 1/11/08; 11:45:19 AM.


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Saturday, June 17, 2006

NYTimes: "United States Special Operations troops employed a set of harsh, unauthorized interrogation techniques against detainees in Iraq during a four-month period in early 2004, long after approval for their use was rescinded, according to a Pentagon inquiry released Friday."

SeattlePi: "Prompted by a Fort Lewis Army officer's decision to refuse to fight in Iraq, the First United Methodist Church of Tacoma has declared itself a sanctuary for servicemen and servicewomen who also don't want to go to Iraq.
The 300-member congregation's administrative council voted last weekend to open its doors beginning this Saturday after 1st Lt. Ehren Watada announced that he thinks the war in Iraq is illegal and that he has sought to resign his commission."

Guardian: "Random inspections may be carried out on US aircraft, the Irish government has warned, after a handcuffed and manacled marine was discovered by cleaners on board a military charter flight at Shannon airport.
The transfer of the prisoner - deemed illegal because permission had not been sought in advance from Ireland's justice department - has aggravated the political row over CIA renditions of terrorist suspects through European airspace.
The US ambassador, James Kenny, was summoned to the Irish foreign affairs department to explain the failure to comply with regulations required under international law. He has been asked to produce a report on the incident."
11:46:47 AM    

TimesOfOman: "Israel's supreme court yesterday ordered the state to dismantle a section of its controversial West Bank separation barrier following an appeal from two Palestinian villages.
The part of the barrier in question effectively incorporates into Israel the northern Jewish settlement of Tzofim, along with around 100 hectares (250 acres) of land from the Palestinian villages of Azun and Nebi Elias.
In its ruling, the Supreme Court criticised the state for not providing all considerations behind the route of that 5km sector of the barrier.
Israeli rights group B'Tselem said the court had essentially ruled that the state lied over claims that the route of the 670km barrier is based solely on security considerations.
The court gave the state six months to dismantle the section of the barrier and build an alternative route which does not siphon off village land."
11:29:33 AM    

AlterNet: "It looks like the Project for the New American Century, the neocon group that promoted the invasion of Iraq, is closing down.
In the absence of an official announcement and the failure since late last year of a live person to answer its telephone number, a Washington Post obituary would seem to be definitive. And, sure enough, the Post quoted one unidentified source presumably linked to "PNAC" that the group was 'heading toward closing' with the feeling of 'goal accomplished'."

Someone who is not thinking of closing down is Ann Coulter. After having described the outspoken 9/11 widows as 'self-obsessed and enjoying their husbands' deaths', America's Bitch Numero Uno has said of Rep. John Murtha, the hawkish ex-Marine and now antiwar congressman: 'The reason soldiers invented 'fragging'.
"Fragging, which became a well-known expression - and occasional occurence - during the Vietnam war, means soldiers attempting to kill their own officers for one reason or another."
The psychopathology of this not so bright woman is that of a murderous hooligan.

AmericaBlog: "It's bad enough when the GOPers who push the Ten Commandments don't practice them (Don 'The Choker' Sherwood comes to mind). But to push multiple pieces of legislation when you don't even know them - that's just too much."
It figures, Republicans have a problem of lying, killing, cheating; the ten commandments or the law, they refuse to accept them.

BringItOn: "Randy Graf, Republican, is running for Arizona's 8th district Congressional seat. His campaign manager is Steve Aiken. Aiken is a former police officer. He is also a self-proclaimed reverend.
In 1996 he was convicted of two counts of corruption of a minor after being accused of having sex with two teenage girls that he met in Pennsylvania while he was working with YouthQuest, a Christian counseling agency."
11:20:01 AM    

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