Heli's Heaven and Hell Radio : NEWS AND VIEWS on art, literature, politics, Bush.
Updated: 1/11/08; 11:45:22 AM.


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Sunday, June 18, 2006

A picture named CBE.jpg Observer: "The government has been secretly awarding honours to senior figures in the US military and foreign businessmen with lucrative public sector contracts. The Observer has obtained a Foreign Office list detailing all non-British citizens who have been awarded honours since 2003 - the first time the complete three-year dossier has been released.

It has emerged that Riley Bechtel, billionaire boss of the US-based Bechtel Corporation, which has won big transport and nuclear contracts in Britain and made a fortune from the Iraq war, was secretly awarded a CBE in 2003."
12:39:30 PM    

Guardian: "Bush's determination to impose his own reading of new laws amounts to a power grab and subverts the US constitution.
George Bush has quietly claimed the authority to disobey more than 750 laws that have been enacted by the United States Congress since he took office. At the heart of Bush's strategy is the claim that the president has the power to set aside any statute that conflicts with his own interpretation of the constitution.
Remarkably, this systematic reach for power has occurred not in secret but in public. Go to the White House website and the evidence is there in black and white. It takes the form of dozens of documents in which Bush asserts that his power as the nation's commander in chief entitles him to overrule or ignore bills sent to him by Congress for his signature."

The above also means that Bush is personally responsible for all abuses and as a war criminal he should get the ultimate penalty. He is also responsible for the Haditha massacre.
GreenLeft: "The approval by Marine Corps officers of $2500 payments to the families of victims in the November 19 Haditha massacre have been the main focus of a cover-up investigation by US Army Major-General Eldon Bargewell."

RegisterGuard: "A Eugene soldier being investigated for deserting her military police unit has alleged that she was sexually harassed by two superiors and coerced into a sexual relationship with a sergeant while she was in Iraq."

Fair: "Regarding the assumption of Syrian complicity in the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in early 2005:
The U.S. news media trumpeted the regime's guilt and agreed on the need for action, though there was debate whether forcible regime change was the way to go. A half year later, however, much of that once clear evidence has melted away and what seemed so certain to the TV pundits and the major newspapers looks now to be another case of a rush to judgment against an unpopular target.
Mehlis Report was exclusively an investigation into the possible involvement of Syrians and Lebanese in the assassination of Hariri. Excluded, a priori... was the role of the powers that effectively benefited from the assassination: the United States and Israel."
12:24:39 PM    

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